Example sentences of "as he [vb -s] to the " in BNC.

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1 His , his personal stereo headphones get knocked off as he falls to the floor , and dinkly dinkly dinkly dinkly ,
2 I watch Fairfax carefully as he talks to the laibon .
3 As Joseph Califano observes , ‘ Television is critical to the president , initially in his attempt to reach office , then in the exercise of his power as he presents to the people his policies , programs and interpretations of events . ’
4 He applies the same pragmatic attitude to design in his leisure-time pursuits as he does to the working environment .
5 As long as he sticks to the office itself , Mr Gaminara paints a convincing and often-mordantly amusing picture .
6 The inspector is required to give the employer the same information as he gives to the employed person .
7 Bratfisch attempts to entertain the doomed couple at the last meeting before their death and his sorrow as he comes to the graveside of the murdered .
8 Some of that sparkle was shown in his win early this year and as he comes to the race fresh .
9 His stumpy , yellowed silver moustache rides proudly over his camel-like sneer as he strides to the back of the bar , probably to renegotiate his olive and yoghurt contracts with the owner .
10 Paul 's mood as he writes to the Romans is a very excited one .
11 These are all justified by the dramatic context Orpheus 's happiness as he sings to the shepherds , his effort to impress Charon , his triumph as he marches off to fetch Eurydice — but they also gave the audience music to remember .
12 This signals clearly that the dynamic of singular love is operative when everyday reality is transfigured from speech to song and the contemplative feels the ordinary demands of the self stilled as he awakes to the wider reality : " may say : " " I slepe and my hert wakes " " " ( 8.106.51 – 2 ) .
13 remember that the horse is perhaps feeling a little weary and that his concentration may wander as he returns to the welcome sight of home .
14 IT IS A case of home sweet home for jump racing punters ' darling Desert Orchid as he returns to the stables following a life-saving operation .
15 A subjective camera , filming through goggles , picks out the inane faces and soundless mouths of his elders as he descends to the bottom of the pool where he stands silently and alone , away from the pestering people above .
16 FOLLOWING our revelation yesterday of claims about Di and her friend Major James Hewitt , it was reported last night that a photo exists of him stripped to the waist as he chats to the princess .
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