Example sentences of "as he [was/were] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His introduction will be no walk-over but if he is half as good over fences as he was over hurdles , he should win .
2 Westmacott could not follow as he was under attack by the Bf109s , but the Controller later reported that the bomber 's ‘ plot ’ had disappeared from the radar screen halfway to Sicily , and Westmacott was awarded a probable .
3 He may not , however , have sat in the final term as he was under sentence of excommunication , possibly for his part in the battle of Lewes .
4 The other cause of the present crisis was Ben , a man of few principles , whose only view of life was through the bottom of a tankard , riddled as he was with guilt and arrogance .
5 Busy as he was with college duties and with exceptional writing obligations , many of them with journalistic deadlines , he was always accessible to undergraduates and to old members , particularly his ex-pupils .
6 As soon as he was of age he took himself off to London to work as a merchant 's clerk .
7 Fond as he was of aquatints and textured design , colour rarely entered his commentary vocabulary .
8 When he refers to Montagu as ‘ the Assyrian ’ and his Queen Anne 's Gate house as ‘ the silken tents of Shem ’ , he was not being jealous or even anti-semitic , but complacently and affectionately mocking of Montagu , of whom he was almost as fond as he was of Venetia .
9 The good player will be in the same position at impact as he was at address ( above left ) , while the bad player 's hands will be well forward of the ball at impact ( above right ) .
10 He was as pathetically unqualified in the art of murder as he was at golf or philosophy .
11 And he is convinced the temperamental Frenchman — bought for £1.2 million — will have to conform to manager Alex Ferguson 's regime or else he will be dispensed with just as quickly as he was at Leeds and his other clubs .
12 He was almost as hostile to his own mother as he was to Elinor 's , even though the politesse observed by his family meant he had not yet worked out a way of expressing it .
13 ‘ Devoted to her ladyship , as he was to Sir John , you know . ’
14 The man was as insensitive to language as he was to people .
15 Gazza will be in the squad to face Norway , but Taylor goes on : ‘ I would like him to be involved , just as he was in Spain . ’
16 ‘ I 'm naming the squad for the game against Norway on Thursday and , as I 've already indicated , he will be included just as he was in Spain early this month .
17 ‘ It 's the month of May now , ’ she said to herself , ‘ so perhaps the Hare wo n't be as mad as he was in March . ’
18 So far , she had killed no one , but the vicar of St Andrew 's had once had to call in Doctor Bailey as he was in agony with severe stomach pains , and had had to admit that he had taken tea and sandwiches with a peculiar and pungent filling , at Dotty Harmer 's a few hours before .
19 Excellent as he was in GoodFellas , you could n't help thinking that the understated menace required for the role came to him like second nature .
20 In two weeks he will go to Germany for rehabilitation , and , by his doctor 's ‘ most optimistic expections ’ , could be training as hard as he was in July by the end of December .
21 Les Cusworth was never as comfortable in a white jersey as he was in Leicester 's Christmas-tree outfit .
22 This may have been Painswick near Stroud , which has a long-standing tradition of clipping , as he was in Gloucestershire at one time .
23 A WINDSURFER was rescued off the Essex coast yesterday as he was in danger of being driven on to rocks .
24 The other person will often be the employee of the defendant , as he was in Tesco Supermarkets Ltd. v. Nattress ( 1971 ) H.L. ) .
25 Neither horse will have the benefit of their usual riding partners as Cumani 's stable-jockey , Ray Cochrane , last night gave up his weekend rides as he was in pain from the shoulder injury sustained in the Doncaster pile-up three weeks ago .
26 By chance , the comic who was booked had changed his show for a later one as he was in pantomime .
27 I had to wait two hours before seeing him as he was in conference with a producer .
28 Philonous , in my dialogue , is much the same as he was in Berkeley 's dialogue ; but Hylas is a changed character .
29 He lived in Notting Hill Gate , in a house he 'd bought cheaply in the late fifties , which he now seldom left , touched as he was by agoraphobia , or , as he preferred it , ‘ a perfectly rational fear of anyone I ca n't blackmail ’ .
30 Surrounded as he was by flatterers and sycophants , Constantius may have disposed of some of the land as rewards for service and information , but he needed money to recoup the heavy losses in his army .
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