Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [was/were] know [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( I had taken to climbing over the railings of the barracks each night , as the watchmen on the gate had been forbidden to let me in as I was known to be sleeping there .
2 I suppose he thought I was not giving of my best , and as I was known as a rather shy , reserved sort , he had decided that a quiet word at an informal moment would be the best approach .
3 Carol 's dancing and her sister Suzette 's acting provided the inspiration for the Minogue sisters — Danielle or Dannii as she was known in the clan was also showing signs of talent — and the pair loved nothing better than play acting at home .
4 How they were used is not generally agreed upon , for , whilst the obverse of some of these cards — ‘ shopkeepers ' bills ’ as they were known by the eighteenth-century tradesmen — were sometimes utilized as an invoice to the purchaser , the majority surviving in public and private collections were not .
5 Leeds City , or the Peacocks as they were known from the gold V-shaped band on their blue strip , climbed to a more secure position in mid-table in the months after Chapman took over .
6 But the welfare of home students , as they were known after 1889 , was her particular concern ; in 1894 she was appointed by the AEW as their principal , a post which she held on a voluntary basis until 1921 .
7 By contrast Engels 's position was that the family , as it was known in his time , had not always existed in that form , that marriage as it was known at that time had also not always existed .
8 The overall loss of reading time , and even the loss of the reading habit as it was known to earlier generations , should not be underestimated .
9 Illustrated in a multitude of colourful paint schemes are the Super Sabre , Voodoo , Delta Dagger ( or Duce as it was known to its crews ) , Starfighter , Thunderchief and Delta Dart .
10 Archer Road or ‘ The Street ’ as it was known by all who lived in it , was a bit like the curate 's egg : bits of it were good and bits of it were bad , very bad .
11 By contrast Engels 's position was that the family , as it was known in his time , had not always existed in that form , that marriage as it was known at that time had also not always existed .
12 Thus practice and theory were often far apart , in this and in other ways , even in the classical feudalism , feudalism as it was known in the north of France between the ninth and the twelfth century .
13 She uses only the pinhole camera or , as it was known in pre-photographic times , the camera obscura .
14 In 1911 Law was known — in so far as he was known at all in the parliamentary party — as a spirited debater .
15 The search for soccer stories occupied a new breed of journalist — men like Alan Hoby , the self-styled ‘ Man Who Knows ’ , or the ‘ Man Who Knows F — All ’ as he was known to some of his readers .
16 Uncle Dickie , as he was known to the whole family , was a dynamic , tyrannical figure , full of energy , drive and ambition , who aroused strong passions in everyone who came into contact with him .
17 ‘ Hart ’ , as he was known to his friends , became severely deaf in early childhood , which caused him to become reserved and studious .
18 Archie McNeile , as he was known to the boys , was a wiry , upright figure with an alert , intelligent face .
19 Mercury , or Mercurius as he was known to the alchemists , had been much on her mind of late .
20 Gaunt , even spectral , the figure of Norman Tebbit ( ‘ Big Norm' as he was known to the irreverent , ‘ Little Norm ’ being Lamont , and ‘ Nice Norm ’ , Fowler ) stood in his place , waving a sheaf of papers .
21 ‘ Charlie ’ as he was known to everyone , joined Douglas Reyburn in 1940 and left shortly after when he was enlisted in the Army .
22 His tragic owner John Goult , or ‘ Old Jack ’ as he was known to neighbours , also knew the pet he adored was very sick but had tried to spare him from being put to sleep .
23 Len , as he was known to his legion of friends , was elected to Selkirk Town Council in 1956 and served on it for 18 years , as well as on the then county council for 14 years .
24 Although hailed by the leaders of the Catholic revival as their patron , ‘ the good Earl John ’ ( as he was known by them ) retained something of the recusant Catholic families ' suspicion of ‘ enthusiasm ’ , religious fervour , and triumphalism .
25 The defeat of Kan Ying — Domitian as he was known by his own people — had let the Han into Europe .
26 Adapted in Baghdad and Cairo , cross-fertilized with the ancient medical practices of Pharaonic Egypt , Sumeria , Assyria and Babylon , Unani medicine was finally codified into a cohesive system by the great Arab scholar Ibn Sina ( or Avicenna as he was known in the mediaeval west ) .
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