Example sentences of "as [pers pn] is in the " in BNC.

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1 There is hardly any chance of her surviving as she is in the long term so we hope she will be able to have the transplant soon . ’
2 It is not formally structured as it is in the ballets of other countries where choreographers are more likely to present the traditional dance itself , slightly adapted for the stage with the footwork more complicated .
3 Besides building an 18-hole golf course , and charging trainers to exercise their horses on the track , he is instigating another new concept in this country by constructing American-style barns so that training can be done at the track as it is in the United States .
4 Gentlemanly distaste for ‘ trade ’ is as out of place in sport as it is in the Conservative Party of Mrs Thatcher .
5 Instead of being largely obscured , as it is in the conventional process , the beautiful grain of the timber is highlighted to stunning effect .
6 Mr Forsyth 's support for student loans has ensured little support for him on the campus but , that apart , the student vote seems to be as divided as it is in the wider constituency .
7 This exported oil or gas is not , as it is in the West , that part of production which is surplus to domestic requirements ; it is a quota which a decision has been taken to meet in order to fulfil a particular objective .
8 Because of the stress that such feelings may cause , their physical health is at risk just as much as it is in the case of the busy executive trying to cram 200 hours-worth of activity into those 168 .
9 Nevertheless library and information promotion and orientation is relevant , and in fact this activity seems to be as common in this sector as it is in the educational sector ; something illustrated in a detailed survey by Sullivan of 1,437 UK special libraries .
10 He added that ‘ this significant meeting of minds between responsible welfare organisations concerned for experimental animals and my profession , deeply involved as it is in the protection of all animals used by society , is a major advance in establishing a cornerstone for legislation in this field ’ .
11 A newspaper account of this incident makes fascinating reading , written as it is in the florid , expansive style of the day to extract every ounce of drama .
12 We do know that , when gripped by a golfer , a club 's behaviour is different from the way it behaves when gripped by a clamp as it is in the standard manufacturers ' tests .
13 A third Greek word ( meteorizomai ) means ‘ to raise ’ or ‘ to suspend ’ when it is used literally ( as it is in the root of our modern word meteor ) or to raise a person 's hopes when it is used figuratively .
14 The dietary fibre connection is not in any way as clear and direct as it is in the evidence concerning cancer of the colon .
15 It is as natural to find conflict present in the work environment as it is in the family , marriage , or any other human context .
16 Japan 's quixotic Fifth Generation Computer Systems project is being replaced this fall by a $800m Real World Computing project that will explore massively parallel processing , optical and neural computing and soft logic in an attempt to create a concept or architecture that distributes data as it is in the brain .
17 In this case , therefore , Burns 's idea of treating differences of status built on it as idle and artificial is just as appropriate as it is in the case of class .
18 The polarity of the phallic stage is not male-female , as it is in the later genital stage , at puberty .
19 The importance of sexuality is stressed again in psychoanalytic theory at the societal level of analysis , as it is in the theory concerned with the development of the person .
20 If we take the ‘ developing countries ’ as a group , compared with the ‘ more developed countries ’ , infant mortality ( in the first year ) is more than five times as high in the first group as it is in the second ; but during the years from one to four — that is , after weaning — the mortality rate in the developing countries is forty times as high as elsewhere : forty deaths for every thousand children surviving their first year , compared with one per thousand in the more developed areas ( Pate , 1965 ) .
21 But their behaviour under this range of conditions and despite differing genetic origins , is essentially similar , as it is in the abundant free-living herds where only minimal management ( usually stallion selection ) is practised .
22 Things are changing and work in public affairs will probably become as accepted and widely used in Britain as it is in the United States .
23 I declare it 's been carried against and so we come back to deliverance number two as it is in the print .
24 In no domain is it as difficult as it is in the matter of function and utility to distinguish the actual place of artefacts in human practices from the particular legitimations and assumptions we have about them .
25 Lord Scarman has said of inner city riots that ‘ public disorder usually arises out of a sense of injustice , ( Scarman , 1986 : xiii ) , and as the Woolf report recognized , this is as true in prisons as it is in the inner city .
26 There is no evidence that after the mother 's appearance on Sunday Miss T. renounced her adopted lifestyle , sinful as it is in the eyes of the faith .
27 Kagan arrived in my office and proceeded to tell me a story , which I can now recount as it is in the public domain .
28 In replacing horses and men by machines , the practice of carrying out agricultural production in sequential steps is not disturbed , as it is in the changeover from handicraft to mechanized manufacture in industry .
29 Other studies have shown that social class is as important a factor in the housing conditions of one parent families as it is in the two-parent families .
30 Only a resolutely historical critical approach such as this can begin to do justice to the life and work of Paul Nizan , inextricably enmeshed as it is in the illusions , deceits , hopes , aspirations , successes and failures of its time .
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