Example sentences of "as [pers pn] be with [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 As long as I am with you , I can be sure that you will not be led astray by the demon drink . ’
2 You know I 'd be happy on a bicycle as long as I was with you . ’
3 I wanted you to be as much in love with me as I was with you . ’
4 Do you think I could have been as I was with you if I was already heavily involved with someone else ? ’
5 ‘ As long as I 'm with you , I can face anything , ’ she said simply .
6 ‘ My Lady , I think he is as taken with you as you are with him .
7 Aunt May , be as firm with Miss Abbott as you are with me .
8 ‘ Darling , ’ he said , ‘ you have never in all your life been in love with a man as you are with me , yet it happened . ’
9 ‘ As long as you 're with me , you 'll be safe . ’
10 ‘ Hell 's teeth , ’ he ground out , ‘ were you as clinging with him as you were with me ? ’
11 She felt sure that Freddie Nash was as in love with her as she was with him for there was hardly a day when they did not manage to meet , often in Jock Hallett 's cottage , where their mutual passion , already discovered at The Angel , seemed to intensify .
12 She had given herself totally up to him , and did not care what happened to her as long as she was with him .
13 in that policy as we are with I five .
14 ‘ Even if I had , do you think it would have been the same with them as it was with you ? ’
15 I mean , she sort of flew the kite as it were with you know , if the wife was erm presumably the husband in other cases was mad beyond belief it was a good reason for casting her off .
16 I am as bored with him as he is with me .
17 She was as individualistic as Rokovssky , as much in love with her own competence as he was with his .
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