Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [verb] [been] to " in BNC.

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1 I have n't been to Heathrow as much as I 'd been to Gatwick
2 Please God , I will be as true to you , as you have been to me ’
3 In her heart she thought : Kind as she has been to me , and much as I respect her , your wife , my lord , is the last lady living to whom I am likely to apply .
4 They could be expected to be as obedient to the workers as they had been to the capitalists .
5 Birds can be an inspiration , as they have been to so many artists and poets .
6 The old imperial line of communication through the Mediterranean , Suez Canal , Red Sea and Indian Ocean to the Far East and the Antipodes would be just as important to the Commonwealth as it had been to the colonial Empire .
7 Dynasticism was not dead ; for some rulers , promoting family interests was as important as it had been to a Tudor or a Valois .
8 More pointedly , such analyses are concerned with measuring the effects of wage movements ; the causes have to be sought in the actual , real-world process of industrial relations — an environment as uncongenial to economists as it has been to many industrial managers .
9 French structuralism , applied as it has been to a wide range of intellectual disciplines , is a realization of Saussure 's dream of a general science of signs — semiology .
10 In her own way , she had been every bit as insulting to him as he 'd been to her .
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