Example sentences of "as [adj] as [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 I have to say , relatively er in an erm unbiased as unbiased as they could be .
2 Nearby the sea terns and eider ducks were nesting , the ducks beautifully camouflaged , sitting tight as long as they could , then moving quickly to reveal eggs of a gorgeous sage green looking so warm in their nest of breast feathers that it made me long for the comforts of my sleeping bag .
3 Their job was to hold on as long as they could against impossible odds , so as to give the rest of the army time to concentrate in a hammer-blow at the enemy centre .
4 They had left her at school as long as they could , because they did n't know what to do with her ; but now she was to take this course and later get a job on a newspaper .
5 In a carefully negotiated settlement Charles and Diana agreed they would work side by side in public as long as they could live totally separate lives .
6 I saw enough of ex-Millfield boy David Hemp , in that extraordinary finish at Southampton when the teams played as long as they could in the twilight and Glamorgan were agonisingly close to victory , to believe he has a genuine future as a county player .
7 The government showed itself willing to accept a large number of amendments of detail and a few of substance affecting boundaries as long as they could maintain the principle of a two-tier structure .
8 Duty said that the police would n't interfere with the property as long as they could be sure that no criminal entry or damage had taken place .
9 Above the river , the seagulls kept on the wing as long as they could , hoping the turbulence would bring them a good find , then , defeated and battered , they heeled and screamed away to find refuge .
10 But Hotspur was more concerned with those who stood and traded blows as long as they could stand , and some even longer , on their knees and still defiant .
11 Even when they were old and widowed , grandparents often preferred the independence of living on their own , within daily reach of their offspring , as long as they could manage .
12 This was a side of him she admired and liked , and as long as they could talk like this she was happy and open to chat , even to tease .
13 She did n't mind if he said nothing at all , as long as they could walk along like this under a starlit sky , arm in arm forever .
14 The Glosters held them back as long as they could .
15 Mr Benton said : ‘ Read 's did seem to have a bright future as long as they could overcome short term cash difficulties .
16 so they could n't get along the roads and I think the cof the probably the funeral was put off as long as they could put it off .
17 As long as we could .
18 We used to mark her up special on the calendar ; and we took care to make a right good job of her : we took an extra lot of trouble with her shoes so we could keep her away as long as we could .
19 As long as we could stop the fire .
20 Up against a wall it was happier , as long as it could assume a lateral stance , to mark the edge of its territory with a swathe of clean pile .
21 James Baker , the Chief of Staff , was a natural compro-miser happy to settle for half a loaf as long as it could be made to look like a victory for the president .
22 The remaining two immortals ( other than Deng himself ) , Peng Zhen ( 90 ) and Vice-President Whang Zhen ( 84 ) , were thought to favour reform as long as it could be confined to the sphere of economics rather than politics , a position similar to Deng 's own .
23 Tremayne would doubtless have lent me some of the quarter-advance due at the end of the month but my lack was my own choice , and as long as I could survive as I was , I would n't ask .
24 ‘ I had kept it open for Ross as long as I could . ’
25 From the start , she made it clear that as long as I could be of use to Jean-Claude she would tolerate me , but that my relationship with her son was in her gift and subject to her approval , and this might not always be forthcoming .
26 by the time I had gone through five operations I decided that as long as I could breath , that would do me and I , I would really recommend every body to think twice before having any form of plastic surgery , particularly unless its , if its not absolutely necessary .
27 I left it as long as I could . ’
28 ( In later years , adult years , while sitting in London stuffed with wholemeal digestives soaked in tea , I would be filled with the wheat and candour of this smell , and I would hold the digestive as long as I could in my mouth , as if aiming to grasp its exact ingredient and texture , to become its body and its recipe ) .
29 I kept the boost up as long as I could ; then , when I felt it start to go , relaxed , and went back to merely running fast for a while .
30 I quickly found one who agreed to supply me with a dozen apples for threepence as long as I could guarantee the same order every day for the next month .
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