Example sentences of "as [adj] as [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 In Bali , amongst the community of wise and loving farmer artists where we have our home , such a stunt would be as unbelievable as it would be unnecessary , for when it comes to the supernatural — or human trickery , for that matter — the Balinese are old hands .
2 Residents should be able to live as far as possible as they would in a home of their own .
3 The senior members of the team in each discipline should be switched to other jobs as little as possible as they must have an on-going responsibility for their area .
4 One should attempt to withhold all conventional hypotensive agents for as long as possible as they will tend to exacerbate the postural hypotension .
5 I have to say , relatively er in an erm unbiased as unbiased as they could be .
6 The establishment of such a correlation is not as easy as it might seem at first , because lead is only one ( and probably not one of the more important ) influences on the behaviour and intelligence of children , so that the correlation would at best be low , and hence require a large number of cases to be established at an acceptable level of statistical significance .
7 It follows that attempting to reduce error rates by one person checking another 's performance or automatically comparing the output of the individuals simultaneously performing the same task is not as effective as it would be if errors in the sources were independent ( Chapanis et al . ,
8 If you 're going to , if you 're going to provide the service you have to be careful that it , it is being effective , as effective as it can be , does it need to be more effective and should it be operating all week .
9 It also takes longer for an old person to use the toilet and they may sense impatience from other residents or staff if they spend as long as they would like in a toilet .
10 This was one of the voyages in which the men of science were in charge , in that the point of the expedition was scientific ; often there had been frustration among scientists on voyages because the captain 's instructions , or his interpretation of them , did not let him stay at interesting places as long as they would have liked , or put enough boats and crews at their disposal .
11 As long as they 'll have me .
12 Nearby the sea terns and eider ducks were nesting , the ducks beautifully camouflaged , sitting tight as long as they could , then moving quickly to reveal eggs of a gorgeous sage green looking so warm in their nest of breast feathers that it made me long for the comforts of my sleeping bag .
13 Their job was to hold on as long as they could against impossible odds , so as to give the rest of the army time to concentrate in a hammer-blow at the enemy centre .
14 They had left her at school as long as they could , because they did n't know what to do with her ; but now she was to take this course and later get a job on a newspaper .
15 In a carefully negotiated settlement Charles and Diana agreed they would work side by side in public as long as they could live totally separate lives .
16 I saw enough of ex-Millfield boy David Hemp , in that extraordinary finish at Southampton when the teams played as long as they could in the twilight and Glamorgan were agonisingly close to victory , to believe he has a genuine future as a county player .
17 The government showed itself willing to accept a large number of amendments of detail and a few of substance affecting boundaries as long as they could maintain the principle of a two-tier structure .
18 Duty said that the police would n't interfere with the property as long as they could be sure that no criminal entry or damage had taken place .
19 Above the river , the seagulls kept on the wing as long as they could , hoping the turbulence would bring them a good find , then , defeated and battered , they heeled and screamed away to find refuge .
20 But Hotspur was more concerned with those who stood and traded blows as long as they could stand , and some even longer , on their knees and still defiant .
21 Even when they were old and widowed , grandparents often preferred the independence of living on their own , within daily reach of their offspring , as long as they could manage .
22 This was a side of him she admired and liked , and as long as they could talk like this she was happy and open to chat , even to tease .
23 She did n't mind if he said nothing at all , as long as they could walk along like this under a starlit sky , arm in arm forever .
24 The Glosters held them back as long as they could .
25 Mr Benton said : ‘ Read 's did seem to have a bright future as long as they could overcome short term cash difficulties .
26 so they could n't get along the roads and I think the cof the probably the funeral was put off as long as they could put it off .
27 Although you can only work on one piece of a garment at a time , you can have up to sixteen separate pieces in each garment file , as long as they will all be knitted to the same stitch and row tension .
28 Quality can be more important than price for bed-and-breakfast customers and there is a demand for more en suite bathrooms as long as they can be fitted without changing the character of the house , and for secluded , self-catering accommodation with a rural character , rather than multiple units .
29 Nevertheless , what may encourage them to hold on as long as they can is the apparent split among the ‘ eight elders ’ over the whole question of reform and opposing Leftism .
30 When tough new laws are announced , it is usually with the refrain ‘ The innocent have nothing to fear , as long as they can prove it ’ .
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