Example sentences of "as [subord] [det] [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 So we swapped addresses with er , ca n't remember , it was a man middle-aged sort of man and er he then said ooh , well he said I still think that we were in the right in as much as if that policeman was supposed to have been directing traffic blah blah blah blah blah !
2 Intellectual : There is some evidence for " state-dependent learning " which results in the brain being best able to recall factual information and practical skills when it is in the same state as when that information was first learnt or skill first practised .
3 Her chief 's voice was rather superior , as though such enthusiasm were a bit childish .
4 It was as though each worker was confronted by two machines where one had stood before .
5 Tate spoke slowly and precisely as though each word was carefully selected , examined and polished before being released .
6 And now that Donald 's name was on the militia list , the thought of being parted obsessed them and they made love as though each time was the last time .
7 The part of the city through which they were walking reminded Zen of Venice , but a Venice brutally fractured , as though each canal were a geological fault and the houses to either side had taken a plunge or been wrenched up all askew and left to tumble back on themselves , throwing out buttresses and retaining walls for support as best they could .
8 So it looks as though this dish is about to get the smile wiped off its face .
9 One or two of the healthier children cried when he came near them ; he moved resignedly away on these occasions , as though this reaction were entirely natural .
10 The expression on the assassin 's face changed : despair gave way to disbelief , and disbelief to a kind of terror , as though this fording was unthinkable , unbearable .
11 It looks very much as though this option was ruled out by entrenched feeling on the men 's side and inadequate appreciation of their position by the women .
12 It does n't look as though this scanning is going to work out very well .
13 ‘ She had a big figure , ’ said Alice , as though some explanation was needed .
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