Example sentences of "as [noun prp] [coord] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Lottie Mayor is charming as Liesl and I have no reservations about the local children recruited to play the younger von Trapps , as they perform some complicated routines with great enthusiasm and aplomb .
2 It 's 8 o'clock as Kenneth and I strut into Dr McKenzie 's consulting room for the results of the tests .
3 As Gary and I have mentioned so many times , I wish they 'd stop doing that .
4 She knew me as Matt and I did n't want to alert you to who I was until I 'd found out what was going on .
5 I work for the same pre project as Verity and I worked with five , fifteen , sixteen year old boys , just yesterday , and they were one of the best groups I 'd ever worked with because
6 I saw him a few times more after that , in the months that followed , coming slowly up the lane from the station , as Millie and I stood at the gate .
7 As Richard and I chronicled in our ‘ book of the ads ’ You Got an Ology ? ’ in the first two-week shoot we made ten commercials .
8 Understandably , perhaps : women who deceive their husbands in order to attend political meetings are probably rare , even when they hold , as Richard and I did , different opinions from each other .
9 As Manuel and I sat drinking our rum punch outside the tavern in the midday sun , patting Sombro and discussing dogs as pets in our respective homelands , we both knew Sombro 's manhood would remain intact and that , as long as he was able to mooch down to the village , he would do so .
10 We were introduced to the Mint House and , as Nancy and I listened , we learnt that money had been made there before the Royal Mint in London .
11 I felt all weepy and emotional as Karen and I drove home together .
12 As Anwar and I had these conversations Jamila liked to open the door to the store-room and just point the black barrel-ends of her eyes at me as if I were sitting with Eichmann .
13 The make-up girl went to work on me as Duncan and I reminisced about the last time we 'd worked together .
14 As Haig-Thomas and I returned to camp , the summits of the Arussi mountains far in the distance glowed in the last of the setting sun .
15 I left Aisha 's prison in the following way : one day a woman from the same village as Aisha and I came to pick up her sewing machine .
16 ‘ Oh , all right , ’ Sam grumbled , ‘ but it 's a pity , especially as Anna and I leave tomorrow .
17 A love song on the crackly Holiday Inn radio which the maid always switches on as her final flourish after she 's done the room ( Hugo and I go down to the pool and swim and use the sauna while we wait for her to finish ) or a pop song on the telly as Hugo and I eat our continental breakfast ( orange juice , coffee , a croissant and a Danish each ) , too languid even to stretch out for the remote control and switch it off — will make tears come to my eyes : move me with the desire to say , You do love me , do n't you !
18 It occurred to me that I should perhaps wait for my daughter Sophie outside her school , to make sure she understood that I had not abandoned her , had merely left Lou for a man who loved me and would make me happy ; that things would presently calm down , and as soon as Hugo and I had sorted things out a little and established our new home she could join us .
19 The last of their luggage was brought from the limousine and , as Thessy and I prepared to cast off , Rickie tested our sound system with a cacophonous cassette of rock music .
20 As Mary and I waved goodbye to him , I thought that I would n't put his advice into practice quite yet .
21 As Les and I walked into their tiny , barely furnished house , his wife greeted us , and his little girl held up her arms for me to lift her .
22 ‘ She 's only the same age as Tommy but I think she 's already a good enough organist to start playing in church on Sundays . ’
23 Next morning , as Wemmick and I walked back to London , I noticed his face becoming dryer and harder , and his mouth becoming more like a post-box again .
24 Later , as Wemmick and I left Jaggers ' house together , I asked him about his employer 's housekeeper .
25 As Benjamin and I followed the prioress down , the pedlar shouted in a tongue I could not understand .
26 Anyway , on that snow-laden morning as Benjamin and I went deeper into the Valley of Death , Cosmas 's murder remained a mystery .
27 It was easy enough to spot them in the distance if they were in a clearing on the mountainside , but extremely difficult to detect them as Abdullahi and I approached through a tangle of giant heath that rose far above our heads .
28 As Taff and I ducked down into the trench I upset the remains of my meal over the floor .
29 As Taff and I crouched in our trenches eating our afternoon meal and trying very hard to ignore the clouds of mosquitoes that were buzzing all around us , I looked at Taff .
30 I got as far as Grantchester and I thought , fuck it , yes , why not ?
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