Example sentences of "as [pron] would [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was made sorry for her at first , as I would be for any young girl , crippled — it is hinted by the cruelty of her husband — and a mother , but even at the beginning there is a niggling doubt that she is rather superficial and shallow .
2 We could , of course , try sympathetic detonation by dropping a depth charge on it but as we would be in the immediate vicinity at the time I do n't think that would be a very good idea . ’
3 The actual pitch should be written in , as shown , when there would otherwise be ambiguity ( as there would be in this case , as to which F is required , high or low ) .
4 This is constantly done in Mincing Lane [ a street in the City of London ] , and the person who acts in this way is , perhaps , a quasi-arbitrator or even an arbitrator , but he is an arbitrator of a particular sort , and it is not intended that there should be the same judicial proceeding on his part as there would be in the case of an arbitrator appointed under a formal submission .
5 If D set out to trick V into having sex , realising that she probably would not consent otherwise , are not his intention and his method sufficient to condemn him for rape , as they would be for obtaining property by deception ?
6 On the front of the astrolabe there was a thin plate ( the tympan ) on which was engraved a stereographic projection of the lines of altitude and azimuth ( angular distance along the horizon ) as they would be for an observer at a given latitude .
7 Bentham was also clear what the Panopticon would mean for those who had to occupy it , subjected as they would be to " … an authority so much exceeding anything that has hitherto signified as despotic " ( Works , IV p 63 , emphasis in original ) .
8 As a couple , they appear as ‘ babes in the wood ’ , helpless and hopeless together as they would be on their own , beset by the awfulness of everyone else .
9 Claims to privilege are the same as they would be on ordinary discovery .
10 Where a number of service points are involved — as they would be in a centrally organized stock revision for a public library authority — the choice of locations for titles ordered is an additional complication .
11 It has been known , but parents who do such a thing are as disliked as they would be in any society , and such marriages are often barren .
12 Travellers are often forced to live in exposed public situations where social inequality and harsh conditions are not hidden from more affluent members of society as they would be in an outlying council estate or an inner city back street .
13 This means that at any frequency , sound waves in water are nearly five times as long as they would be in air , and so provide poorer resolution .
14 When the Liberals were defeated , as they would be in due course , it would be they , and not the Labour Party , who would take the Opposition front bench .
15 Boullee was the architect of the sublime , and he said that there should be poetry in architecture , and that men should be moved emotionally by it as they would be by a poem .
16 Besides , there is no reason why the distribution of later preferences , any of which might become operative , would be the same on the 1,476 papers selected for transfer to Craig as it would be on all of the 3,813 papers including those not so selected .
17 The sheet of paper is not stretched over a rubber roller or platen as it would be with an impact printer but a sheet of metal .
18 War had been declared , and the fate of Czechoslovakia , Austria and Poland was sealed , as it would be for several other countries .
19 I suspect that for many young Germans it might be pretty meaningless , as it would be for their British or French contemporaries , who simply want to get on with their lives without having to attend to the doings of another generation .
20 The winner of the President 's Cup , as it would be for at least three more years , was Artisan Secretary and Club Greensman , Bill Steptoe .
21 The prestige and repute connected to sporting success at school made it a viable , intriguing and challenging venture for her , as it would be for many otherwise nondescript black kids already faced with the adversity of being black in what is perceived to be a hostile environment .
22 The rest of the journey was an anticlimax by comparison , as it would be for passengers approaching Perth from the Pacific .
23 She 'd had no chance even to tell David that her family would be at OBEX the following day , so it could be as much a shock for him seeing Jennifer as it would be for her sister .
24 These differing responses , the fundamental cause of most of the wars of history , were not necessarily taken with a knowledge of the effect that they would ultimately have , for at the relevant time the choice would not have been as clear to those making them , as it would be to minds educated to standards prevailing centuries later .
25 Priced £18.95 , the book is aimed to be as useful to a PC novice as it would be to a seasoned user .
26 So when my parent is handing out the parental investment , I will be selected to want the parent to give the investment to my sibling if the benefit is twice as great as it would be to myself .
27 Planning can not be socially rational , as it would be under socialism , where planning for need would replace production for profit .
28 Fourth , we may point out that quite often the potential reference of the noun as modified by the adjective will not be the same in the predicate qualifying construction as it would be under the attributive version .
29 For the concomitant of Callinicos ' critique of postmodernism is not , as it would be in half a hundred other cases , the defence of modernism .
30 We rarely saw its summit , lost as it would be in thick mist , but its mystery made it all the more attractive and seductive .
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