Example sentences of "as [pron] had [adv] done " in BNC.

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1 I should n't think this boring as I had sometimes done before .
2 She began to regard herself as she had not done before , and what she saw she no longer understood at all .
3 And she hugged him tight , tight , as she had not done since he was much younger and liked to squeeze her back until she protested that she could n't breathe .
4 She called her affirmatives and gasped , clutching him tight as she had not done in years .
5 This young girl enjoyed mixing with others her own age , as she had not done so before now .
6 AT1 said that she did not notice any difference in this regard but was nevertheless glad of the opportunity which the review had afforded to meet the Head personally , as she had not done so since her interview on appointment some years previously .
7 Every night she greased her face , whited everything out and redrew it just as she had always done ; a heavy coat of pale powder , black mascara , black eyeliner , heavily pencilled black eyebrows , and then , finally , her famous scarlet lips , always perfect , always done in the same shade , Rouge Extrême .
8 For us it is a symbol of acceptance , for from that day on Nanny referred to Shanti as ‘ my granddaughter ’ and treated her exactly as she had always done the others .
9 She only thought of herself , as she had always done .
10 She had promised to take me sailing , and Paula had let her borrow the boat for a few hours , as she had often done before .
11 Anthony introduced Comfort , who immediately started talking in fluent , fast Italian , which made Julia feel as inadequate and insular as she had ever done at Comfort 's university parties .
12 I approached the service from the point of view of the consumer , as we had already done to good effect with the opticians .
13 The further the office , the party and the seats of government were removed from the home and family influence , the less able were women to exercise influence upon the male public world as they had formerly done .
14 IBM and Microsoft developed OS/2 together , as they had previously done with DOS , but sales did not go well — the latest claim from IBM is one million copies sold .
15 remain in Japan even after the Peace Treaty , since the Japanese police were too few and their armament inadequate to maintain public order should the Communists attempt an offensive in Asia as they had already done in Europe .
16 Her soft blue eyes hardened as they had never done before in her life and she met his gaze head-on .
17 The only inconvenience of the original interior was that the bedrooms all led into one another ( just as they had always done in houses past : passages were only deemed essential when the segregation of servants became the norm in the eighteenth century ) ; but this was overcome by making a gallery and rearranging the staircase .
18 Now , Eleanor Thorne was eighty-nine years old , and her conversation was erratic , but Dorothea still sat with her , and for the odd fifteen or twenty minutes , and sometimes as long as an hour , they would talk , as they had always done and the present world swung temporarily into focus for the old lady , and she held on to it , like a crystal ball , firmly in her hand .
19 The people of Lewis saw no reason why they should not have their crofts and jobs as well , as they had always done since the boom days of the kelp industry .
20 Mother Francis hoped that the Community in Dublin would understand the need to make Eve feel important and part of the place as they had always done here in Knockglen .
21 It was evident in all their dealings that no matter how Marie Claire bestirred herself the maids would do things as they had always done them .
22 In 1456 Coventry negotiated freedom from tolls in Southampton , as it had already done with another port which served it , namely Bristol .
23 In tropical oceans , there is also the problem of the teredo worm , one of the lamellibranch family of boring molluscs , whose destructive vigour proved as deadly to submarine cables as it had previously done to ships ' timbers , wharves and sea dykes .
24 Not to answer the summons made matters worse , as it had always done , and particularly if it concerned a mortgage .
25 Aunt Lou 's house looked exactly as it had always done .
26 From counting for virtually nothing in positivist criminology it now seemed to count for everything , as it had originally done in classical criminology .
27 If she were to open the door perhaps the blackness would be out there now , ready to swallow her , as it had almost done on that previous occasion ; or would she wander endlessly in a limbo of greyness , forever trapped between Johnny 's time and her own ?
28 He let himself think , as he had not done for many years , of Célestine , of their year together in London , and as he had known it would , the memory made him deeply unhappy .
29 He put his arm around her shoulders , as he had not done for many years .
30 In November 1259 the barons in Council raised the annual salary of the Justice of the Forests south of Trent from 100 to 200 marks a year , and his colleague for the northern forests was in August 1260 granted an annual salary of 60 marks , instead of having to pay an annual farm of the same sum as he had previously done .
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