Example sentences of "as [pron] give [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The next minute , he was clutching Joan 's hand as she gave birth to a daughter .
2 Elizabeth Mowbray watched her changing expressions , seeing the steadiness of her gaze as she gave thought to the revelation and its implications , the high smooth brow and long-fingered white hands .
3 We shall not only survive but continue to grow so long as we give value for money , retain our record of innovation and flexibility , keep the confidence and goodwill of our clients and ensure that we have the best possible range of materials , methods and people in the industry .
4 The final chapter is not entirely appropriate for a graduating RGN , as it gives advice to the graduating Canadian student nurse on job seeking , leadership and professional development .
5 I also like the pure white gesso primer as it gives luminosity to my colours .
6 Meanwhile , a High Court judge warned of a serious problem because of a log-jam of refugee cases as he gave leave for two of them to seek judicial review of Home Office decisions to refuse them asylum .
7 He looked at her unyielding face , and something seemed to give in his own as he gave way to frustration and bad temper , let alone physical exhaustion .
8 Last week , Lilley was subjected to the scrutiny of the highly respected social security select committee , as he gave evidence on the public expenditure review and the government 's recently announced proposals to levy VAT on fuel .
9 Richard faced the non-existent audience and so could n't see my reaction as he gave vent to excruciating sounds .
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