Example sentences of "as [pron] see in the " in BNC.

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1 I have for a long time been suspicious of the doctrine of gradualism in politics and the foibles of the Foreign Office , which uses the double-speak of diplomacy , as I saw in the Anglo-Irish diktat and now smell in Maastricht .
2 As we saw in the chapter dealing with rules , it is not enough for your punch to be an effective scoring technique ; it must be seen to be so , and this entails making its success obvious .
3 As we saw in the last chapter , the operation of discretion by the police is a particular fascination in the sociology of policing , but discretion is often viewed narrowly in terms of law : whether the police apply or omit the letter of the law .
4 If they were not , then , as we saw in the echoes of this theory which can be found in Hobbes 's resolutio-compositive method , the proper order of demonstration would have been reversed .
5 As we saw in the first chapter , an adult with this sort of emotional history finds it very hard to deal with separation of any sort .
6 In ballet , the Mariinsky ( or the Kirov , as we have known it since 1935 ) has an almost unassailable reputation , with the choreography of Marius Petipa as one of its foundations — as we saw in the pas de deux from Le Corsaire , danced brilliantly and poetically by Elvira Tarasova and Igor Zelensky , and in Diana and Actaeon , which highlighted the virile athleticism of Farukh Ruzimatov .
7 If being a real person implies consciously living before God , as we saw in the previous chapter , then the integrity of a man and woman living together needs the further consciousness of God in both their lives .
8 As we saw in the example of the cleaner fish ( pages 186–7 ) , reciprocal altruism is not confined to members of a single species .
9 The problems of Kosovo , as we saw in the previous section , are mainly economic .
10 Feelings , as we saw in the entry under that heading ( see pages 66 to 69 ) , either help or hinder your behaviour .
11 As we saw in the last section , all shops offer a service to the customer , although the type of service may vary .
12 As we saw in the last section , knowing your product well helps sell goods .
13 This leads directly to a further difference : an orthodox practitioner is likely to treat all cases of influenza with the same drug , an antibiotic perhaps ; whereas the homoeopathic practitioner may use different remedies , depending on the patient 's reaction to the influenza , as we saw in the cases illustrated above .
14 Keats , as we saw in the preceding section , concluded with the same emphasis .
15 Here there are often too many people ( not too\few ) but safety does not lie in numbers , as we saw in the Champs-Elysées story .
16 As we saw in the last chapter , Hooke 's law is really only true for small strains and at large strains the interatomic force curve bends over so that the strain energy is less than we have calculated , very roughly about half .
17 A further 44 per cent of all elderly people live only with a spouse and , as we saw in the last chapter , only about 14 per cent are living with others- ‘ non-spouses ’ .
18 This is why Springboks these days come from only these six unions , as we saw in the recent internationals .
19 But , as we saw in the discussion of neoclassicism , it was unrealistic to suppose that questions of intent and responsibility could be abandoned .
20 As we saw in the last chapter , he , too , believed in the possibility of an objective category of crime which was not necessarily the same as that defined by the existing criminal law , and its source — the reason of the ‘ few thinking men in every nation ’ seems just as elitist and potentially authoritarian .
21 As we saw in the earlier section on control theory , there has been a new interest in deterrence and prevention as well , attempting to improve on the original , crude formulations of Beccaria .
22 I am not suggesting that it is proven that our motives , reasons and purposes are not themselves reducible to mechanically operating causal factors , as a fully determinist model would have it ; but if that is the case , we are so far from being able to specify these factors that they do not offer a model we can actually work with — as we saw in the discussion of positivist criminology in Chapter 2 .
23 By itself this association between earnings and company size is not unique to Japan , but as we saw in the last chapter the number of workers affected is greater .
24 But , as we saw in the last chapter , there may be reasons to reject this analysis of causation in favour of the one involving real connections or causal powers or both .
25 And , as we saw in the previous chapter , he gave science a religious sanction , in that it promised the restoration of a dominion over nature that had been God 's intention for humanity .
26 Even if it measures the use of redundancy up to ten words either side of the deletion , this is still not the same as measuring comprehension : as we saw in the Bailey and Harrison study , redundancy and comprehensibility can be very different aspects of a text .
27 As we saw in the last chapter , a study in William Dement 's laboratory verified that external stimuli could indeed be incorporated into dreams during REM sleep .
28 ( But , as we saw in the Faulhaber example , not all average cost prices are sustainable in general . )
29 This hierarchy within physics was , as we saw in the last chapter , also noted by Becher ( 1984 ) , in his examination of the ‘ culture ’ of disciplines .
30 As we saw in the section on deterrence , all the evidence is that the penal system is engaging in a massive overkill operation — which amounts to a massive infringement of the human rights of those it punishes excessively .
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