Example sentences of "as [pron] have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Though if he took his own life , as everyone has always supposed , and as we are still likely to be supposing after the present rumours have been scotched — if the balance of his mind was disturbed , that curious disruption which accompanies a man 's election to end his life , but never any other procedure , no matter how eccentric or irrational — then reasons are not to be looked for .
2 But , as someone had once said to her — she could n't remember who — hate was only a hair 's breadth away from love .
3 There was an angel watching over me , as someone had once predicted in my childhood when she read my fortune in the tea-leaves , in my cup of white china with the gilt shamrock on the rim and in the centre of the saucer .
4 We pay something like one penny per square metre to cut grass and , as someone has already said , to an extent you get what you pay for .
5 I must have made thousands over those university years , much to the annoyance of my own family , as I 'd rarely made the effort for them .
6 It was obvious from the moment she came into the house that Dawn , as I 'd immediately christened her ( after all , I 'd had three weeks to dream up the name ) , was a real character .
7 And when they hit me with the INSET thing it was the summer term , the first half of the summer term and I was beginning to fray at the edges , as far as I 'd just got things going , and it was just like something else on top of a lot of pressure already .
8 ‘ He flew away just as I 'd nearly got him . ’
9 It was about it was the same as I 'd probably got if I 'd have gone to the pit at fourteen . .
10 As I 'd already discovered that for myself , I started thinking .
11 The two halves of the heart did not ease apart as I 'd fancifully imagined , but clung desperately round one another like drowning lovers .
12 The living room was as pristine as I 'd ever seen it .
13 Professionally , this is as far as I 'd ever imagined going .
14 The floorboards had n't snapped , as I 'd originally thought : they 'd gone down into the dock with Harry .
15 All of a sudden , I found myself in a festive gathering , as I had absent-mindedly gatecrashed an exhibition launch at the Gallery of Photography .
16 It was a reworking of the same materials apropos Hungary as I had already seen in Prague apropos Czechoslovakia .
17 Jenny , as I had already worked out , was a woman of some means and she clearly was n't bothered by the fact she was having to subsidize me .
18 My conversation with the Ministry seemed to take ages , and , as I had already anticipated , it proved abortive .
19 Again I was astonished , for Syl was hard and red and , as I had just realised , old .
20 Then , for five minutes at least , he was still again , and then , when he knew he was talking with God , his arm went around my shoulder and there came up from the depth of his heart such petitions for men as I had never heard be-fore .
21 I remembered this recently with all these people falling from express trains but did n't think it could be the same on local lines as I had never heard anyone complain before .
22 As silently as I could , I began to move away , and as soon as I was clear of the trees , began to run as I had never run before .
23 The press were trying to build up a great rivalry between Ben and me , especially as I had never raced him .
24 If he 'd gone to the crematorium mortuary with Alan , there would have been a blank in my mind , as I had never seen it , and anyway it was thirty miles away .
25 I had enjoyed Hope and the work we did at night , but I detested working at night , as I had never managed to sleep well during the day .
26 As I had never climbed in Borrowdale I left the selection to Sid .
27 I was really deeply moved as I had only seen such a thing before in religious pictures .
28 This was to be my first climb on ‘ real rock , ’ as I had only experienced exercises on short problems in an old gritstone quarry during the previous winter .
29 And truly it was no longer , as I had once thought , a matter of a star courting success by adopting the affectations of a prima donna , but of a man who has given himself up to a trance .
30 I began to feel , as I had always felt with my aunts , that personal affairs were unimportant : we were only sticks in the great river of history that was sweeping us along .
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