Example sentences of "as [pron] be [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 Unless someone has a better solution , can I ask the many thousands of WCM readers who are as infuriated as I am to write and complain to the BBC 's Head Programme Scheduler .
2 They could only see Blefuscu 's warships coming closer , as I was swimming and my head was occasionally under the water .
3 The boxer romped down the drive after me as I was leaving and the old man looked at him with undisguised admiration .
4 I did as I was bid and sat down again .
5 I was in charge of what is known as the governor , which I felt might be an error , but I did exactly as I was told and all went well .
6 I did as I was told and flopped down on a chair , but it gradually got worse and worse , and I felt as if I was going to be sick .
7 So being just do as your told , did as I was told and up we went , onto this crane overhead and the job was running up and down th er picking the boxes up , whatever the chappies want , the , and lowering them and doing exactly what they wanted .
8 As you were working and you run a business , I assumed you must leave him with a babyminder . ’
9 Donna did as she was asked and stood beside her sister , peering through the rain and darkness .
10 Still , reluctant as she was to aid and abet her curious cousin in any way , she found herself asking with careful casualness , ‘ What 's his mystery ? ’
11 The 1920s girl did as she was told and came home .
12 As for Selene , she was already doing as she was bidden and making over the dresses till new ones could be bought .
13 There one met at each other 's homes for dinner , one eye on the clock on the way — cursing the traffic , having to watch the drinks as one was driving and must n't be too late as Nigel had to be up early for work .
14 But when I pressed O it turned out W but you know as we 're typing and all of a sudden you 've pressed O , and then I say I press W I got W up but no O.
15 As we are inspired and taught by others , we find that the closer we get to Jesus , the more we share in common with those on the road with us .
16 In that marriage she was easily the dominant partner and Joe let her be partly because it is n't in his nature to be pushy or dominant but mainly due to the fact his father bullied his mother , as we are told and he is afraid of him doing this as well and so fails to protect Pip and tolerates Mrs Joe 's dominant character .
17 I immediately gestured to the Hurricanes to carry on to Malta by themselves as we were ditching and we turned for the coast ourselves , losing height all the way .
18 In other words , FTC would be quite happy to share coverage of the game with the BBC and ITV , so long as there was give and take .
19 In practice case management for people with long term mental illness has developed into a range of techniques that can be described along 12 different axes ( box 2 ) , which aim to ensure that patients with long term psychiatric disorders receive consistent and continuing services for as long as they are required and that services do not focus inappropriately on patients with less severe conditions .
20 Obviously this is achieved by attending to lift stoppages as they occur and not as they are reported and , in addition , the lift monitoring devices record all events affecting the operation of the lift which provides a detailed case history , which in turn leads to speedy and accurate diagnosis and correction .
21 A woman spends many years charring in Cremona ; she saves all her money to buy an apartment for her son when he gets married ; her no-good husband , the boy 's father , reappears after years and demands assistance ; she refuses ; when the son is engaged , she relents and negotiates subsidies to her ex-husband , for a suit , a car , a wedding-present ; she organizes a big reception to which she invites all her former employers ; nobody comes except a tennis-star ; there is no sign of the husband ; her lawyer tells her that the girl her son is marrying is her husband 's mistress and that he had already taken over the apartment ; she reflects a moment and decides to carry on with the reception , everything is all right , ‘ if no one notices anything , it is as though nothing has happened ’ ; passers-by are invited to join the wedding-party , which they happily do because the tennis-star is present ; the husband turns up in his new car ; no one takes any notice of him because no one knows who he is , except for the dealer he sometimes does jobs for , who tells him all new cars lose half their value as soon as they are bought and end up on the scrapheap anyway .
22 His sperm then covers the eggs as they are laid and fertilisation occurs within 10 to 15 minutes .
23 His view is that consumers should be told the whole truth : ‘ If the public wants fish fingers made up of minced fish that 's OK , so long as they are told and can make up their own minds .
24 The stags ' antlers are cast each year and are best left where found as they are nibbled and eaten to recycle the chemicals and nutrients needed for growing the next set , which is probably more useful than lying in the loft at home or being turned into a table lamp .
25 Neither response is an adult , mature mode of relating and the chances of checking out realities as they are experienced and perceived are reduced because of the noise in the environment .
26 These matters , however disagreeable they may be to raise in an individual context , are discussed in the pubs in my constituency , as they are discussed and debated at the Eton College debating society or the Liverpool polytechnic .
27 Individually the trusts were small , usually maintaining only about 20 miles of road , but as they were formed and linked , the basis for a coherent road network was being established .
28 But I looked at Mother as they were kissing and she had seen all right .
29 More were found over the weeks , and were removed as they were spotted and put into a rearing aquarium .
30 When they were feeling particularly spiteful , they would blindfold the ‘ two sisters ’ as they were known and , as darkness fell , leave them in some unknown part of the neighbourhood to find their own way home .
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