Example sentences of "as [pron] [vb past] with [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I hope they will never feel as frustrated with their parents as I felt with mine .
2 She left this house to us , and an allowance to Emily so long as she did n't marry , and one to me so long as I stayed with her .
3 I do n't same as I did with them .
4 And you , she thought , are playing with me , just as you played with me in France .
5 ‘ I wedged it into the pine-needles , as you did with yours .
6 ‘ This is only the beginning , you know , ’ he said one day as she walked with him round the garden .
7 She must keep him away , keep fighting him , because as long as she fought with him she and Edmund were safe .
8 On the drive back to London , Quinn was silent as Sam told him the outcome of her trip to Washington and the decision of the White House to let him have his head so long as she went with him .
9 She smiled as she went with him to the door .
10 Damian pulled her out and shut the door , marching with her back down the corridors , his hand hard on her wrist , and as she went with him , hurrying to match those long strides , she understood and was horrified beyond belief .
11 The two-hour battle did not exactly revive memories of Croft 's professional heyday when she reached the lofty heights of world No 22 as she struggled with her serve , and produced too many errors to get into any sort of groove .
12 She was slashed on the hands as she struggled with him .
13 Since Paul 's departure — she grimaced at the memory — Dinah had been able to do as she liked with it , and she liked to have objects about her that reminded her of herself .
14 ‘ No , I 'm damned well not ! ’ she denied furiously , her eyes wide and startled as they clashed with his .
15 It was the most successful tour England had ever made , all the more satisfying as it began with them being written off as a bunch of no-hopers .
16 In those moments , those final moments as he took her and reached ecstasy , she had been able to believe he loved her , felt something for her ; and , though she knew he did not , she was moved , wanted to retain those precious moments which he had just given her when he had finally stripped the mask away and let her see how human he was as he merged with her and lost himself inside her .
17 The pilot , with no diplomatic clearance number , made one up ; air-traffic control did not believe him , but he managed to weave his way towards Iran even as he argued with them .
18 ‘ I think I 'll take up teaching permanently , ’ she whispered to Bodie , who held her hand as he waited with her on the landing .
19 His hand tightened slightly as he agreed with her , and she longed to turn and face him , pull his head gently down and kiss him .
20 A tiny part of her wanted to confront him with what he 'd done ; yet she knew she could n't do it , could n't bear looking into his sea-blue eyes , or at the lips which had kissed her so tenderly the night before , only to laugh with Marianne today as he shared with her the secrets Shannon had confided so trustingly — so blindly !
21 Just as he disagreed with him about the essential or principal properties of body , Locke disagreed with Descartes about the mind .
22 Her father had warned her it would be this way , his grey eyes unusually concerned as he sat with her in the club office .
23 As it was , she became more and more incensed as she tried to break out of his limpet-like hold , the result being that when she did manage to break free she was so outraged — just because she was a female contracts officer , the boss 's son thought he could do as he liked with her — that she verbally tore into him .
24 John Lehmann had such confidence in Minton 's design sense that when he handed to him the typescript of Elizabeth David 's A Book of Mediterranean Food he gave him carte blanche to do as he liked with it .
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