Example sentences of "as [pron] [vb past] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ari held Nathan 's hand as everyone greeted the dawn of the Solstice Day .
2 If any BW officer had reservations about the project they could have phoned me on 10th or 11th June , particularly as everyone knew the work was scheduled to start on the 12th .
3 ‘ Is this one of the wines you import , Mr Hepwood ? ’ she asked — and suddenly , as everyone looked a trace amused , any tension she had imagined to be there magically disappeared .
4 ENGINE buzzing , wheels spinning , the go-kart whizzed around the track as everyone watched the daredevil driver …
5 Presumably they were only here to set the scene for the current convention , as nothing represented a period later than the fifteenth century .
6 There was a crash downstairs as someone knocked the record player over .
7 She was a spy , noting the spurt and lick of match-flame as someone lit a cigarette , the scent of rough tobacco , the light in the cupped hands , then the red tip of ash .
8 Then , just as someone mentioned the band were preparing to go on next door , my luck changed .
9 He heard a thunk as someone hit the crush bar on the inside of the stage door .
10 My heart gave a jump , then resumed something like its normal beat as I registered the fact that even in an empty house there were draughts , and doors moved and creaked with no one to push them .
11 The train for Dover left at Il.00 am so I bought a copy of Soldier magazine and leafed through the photos of happy-looking squaddies as I drank a cup of British Rail coffee , which tasted hot and disgusting .
12 " I promise you he 'll feel no pain , " I said as I filled the syringe .
13 My breath was like dragon smoke as I filled the kettle .
14 I weighed in by saying that for some reason it no longer appeared in the Radcliffe Camera , as I gathered the library had ceased to subscribe to it .
15 ‘ Well , as I killed the horse , mother , I suppose I ought to go .
16 I then slowly walked along Fulham Broadway in the complete darkness , as I knew the road past Halford School would be safe with the clergy around .
17 Although I was unemployed I paid my subscription as I knew the money would be put to good use .
18 I knew that voice almost as well as I knew the theme from Doctor Zhivago .
19 As I heard no explosion , I presumed the danger had been averted .
20 As soon as I heard a journalist say , ‘ John McCartney ?
21 The next morning , as I heard the story from Howard Samuel 's wife , Howard had remarked to her , ‘ Did someone telephone during the night ? ’
22 In the old days , as soon as I heard the dirge start up , I 'd reach for the OFF button .
23 As soon as I heard the word Deptford my ears pricked up .
24 ‘ I was jumping up and down in my seat as I heard the end of the race , ’ he said .
25 It was an easy shot , but as I heard the bullet strike he bounded away .
26 As I heard the gossip , Riddle replaced the Scapegoat in the Wheel and two witnesses heard him scream as he bowled down the hill . ’
27 That union supported me as I recruited the whole of the workforce and er , I was then sacked after four weeks !
28 As I identified a minute or two ago , our approach to computerizing accounting applications fits hand in glove with the concept of relational database .
29 I had no regrets as I slammed the door behind me and left the cottage for the last time .
30 There were plenty of Garda around , and there ought to have been plenty more , as I saw a group of wild children steal chocolates from a shop and then run off down the road .
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