Example sentences of "as [pron] [is] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , I would personally recommend that , as it is unnecessary for the full enjoyment of life , it should not be used .
2 The quantity and the period for leasing can be perfectly adapted to your needs : whether it is for 10 , 100 or 1000 machines ( or as many as you need ) for 4 , 8 or 12 weeks ( or as long as it is profitable for you ) .
3 ‘ It shall be the duty of each person who has , to any extent , control of premises to which this Article applies or of the means of access thereto or egress therefrom or of any plant or substance in such premises to take such measures as it is reasonable for a person in his position to take to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that the premises , all means of access thereto or egress therefrom available for use by persons using the premises , and any plant or substance in the premises or , as the case may be , provided for use there , is or are safe and without risks to health . ’
4 ‘ Nothing in the provisions of this Article shall be taken to require a person to repeat any testing , examination or research which has been carried out otherwise than by him or at his instance , in so far as it is reasonable for him to rely on the results thereof for the purposes of those provisions . ’
5 In many jobs , condition ( 4 ) can be fulfilled as it is possible for similar types of work to be tackled throughout the 24 hours .
6 This belief was totally irreconcilable with the Augustinian view that , in so far as it is possible for the Kingdom of Heaven to occur here on earth , it has already been realized in the Church .
7 Just as it is possible for an athlete to train himself to run faster by gradually increasing his speed , you can do the same thing with your reading .
8 Try to approach each patient as an individual , as it is possible for patients , especially those having " minor " surgery , to feel that they are on a " production line " .
9 Note : For Random Access media , there is no penalty for overestimating the number of blocks value as it is possible for LIFESPAN to detect when the media is full .
10 As it is possible for a hotel owner or developer to have feasibility studies undertaken by their own staff , and for the developer to obtain the service of hotel management companies to run the hotel for a fee , it is the role of the food service planning consultant which will be examined in this article .
11 As it is possible for the allotment letters to be dealt with in this 21 day period , rights issues are attractive to institutional shareholders as they may be able to sell the rights to subscribe .
12 He 's as angry as it is possible for a human being to be .
13 As it is necessary for a Marxist to make a science of society , so too must he make a science of violence .
14 As for the nuclear test ban treaty , for as long as it is necessary for us to have nuclear weapons , we require the ability to test and we propose to keep the ability to test .
15 ‘ It shall be the duty of every director of a building society to satisfy himself that the arrangements made for assessing the adequacy of the security for any advance to be fully secured on land which is to be made by the society are such as may reasonably be expected to ensure that — ( a ) an assessment will be made on the occasion of each advance whether or not any previous assessment was made with a view to further advances or re-advances ; ( b ) each assessment will be made by a person holding office in or employed by the society who is competent to make the assessment and is not disqualified under this section from making it ; ( c ) each person making the assessment will have furnished to him a written report on the value of the land and any factors likely materially to affect its value made by a person who is competent to value , and is not disqualified under this section from making a report on , the land in question ; but the arrangements need not require each report to be made with a view to a particular assessment so long as it is adequate for the purpose of making the assessment .
16 But JUSt as it IS proper for me to look back to my wedding day as assurance that I am really married , so it is proper to look back to my baptism as a mark given me by the Holy Spirit that I am really born again in Christ , and to the eucharist as a pledge that I do partake of his life , feed on him , and shall in the last day share his resurrection .
17 The Bank has a major role in the foreign exchange market as it is responsible for carrying out government policy with regard to the exchange rate .
18 As it is difficult for people to get together , he is hoping to establish a telephone conference system .
19 Just as it is important for employers to understand the system and language of education , so it is important for teachers and students to understand the needs and concerns of employers .
20 For Conservatives this is normally a once-and-for-all choice as it is unusual for a sitting MP to be denied renomination : Labour MPs are now subject to re-selection .
21 But do n't add oil to baths if you have spots : try adding powdered seaweed to the water as it 's good for drawing out impurities .
22 It 's wrong for us to steal from someone who seems to be richer than we are just as it 's wrong for someone to steal from us if they think their need is greater than ours .
23 I do n't think he 's played with a band since he left , as he 's responsible for almost all the instruments on his solo album .
24 It would mean that it may be diffcult to do any Tony bashing , but I 'm sure all the praise will by far exceed criticism as far as he is concerned for years to come .
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