Example sentences of "as [pron] [be] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That 's Captain J.B.J. Noel — the 1922 and 1924 cameraman — talking to Blessed , and I 'm as willing to give credence to that as I am to Simon Fraser 's dream of Tilman 's end .
2 I am so jealous and protective of her , ’ but , close as she was to Louise , she could n't bring herself to admit what she saw as the black depths of her failure with her daughter .
3 Dedicated as she was to Schellenberg 's welfare , she had an instinct about things .
4 Used as she was to dogs , she was unafraid , but even so she froze .
5 This is the sort of situation which leads to our distinguishing ‘ ourselves as we feel ourselves to be ’ and ‘ ourselves as we are to others ’ .
6 To argue now for its prioritization means no more than demanding as much attention be given to it as there is to street crimes .
7 But trade flows are at least as sensitive to the level of non-tariff barriers as they are to tariffs themselves .
8 Dampness and lack of ventilation are as welcoming to insects as they are to wood fungi and once these conditions are rectified the beetles will feel less inclined to stay .
9 Market intelligence and sales and marketing expertise are , therefore , as crucial to the success of the technology transfer company as they are to innovation in general .
10 The dates of these visits will be given to you as soon as they are to hand .
11 There could be a good Dream in artificial intelligence the POV of an omniscient machine intellect , and its struggles with humans who are to it as they are to ants .
12 It 's not as far to Chester as it is to Swansea is it ?
13 Bernstein 's classic , a 20th century version of the Romeo and Juliet story transferred to Manhattan , and a biting commentary on contemporary life in any big city , with its bitter gang rivalries , is just as relevant to Belfast today as it is to New York .
14 The metaphor of ventriloquy is therefore as appropriate to criticism as it is to fiction , since object texts , like fictional worlds , have no autonomous existence .
15 Convenient as it is to date the militarization of the Cold War from the outbreak of the war in Korea in June 1950 , warning signs of increasing East–West tension had occurred well before that crisis .
16 I must check those feelings which are the expression of physical instinct craving for satisfaction , but God knows celibacy is as painful to women ( even from the physical standpoint ) as it is to men — could not be more painful than it is to a woman .
17 It must also take account of : ( 1 ) the market position and economic and financial strength of the parties to the merger ; ( 2 ) the availability of alternative products ; ( 3 ) barriers to entry ; ( 4 ) the interests of consumers ; and ( 5 ) the development of technical and economic progress as long as it is to consumers ' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition .
18 On the other hand the Ailsa Craig case established that the contra proferentem rule is not applied quite as rigorously in interpreting clauses which merely limit the defendant 's ( usually the seller 's ) liability , as it is to clauses which claim to exclude his liability .
19 The raised tail is a visual signal to the others ( as it is to humans ) that the individual is relaxed and friendly .
20 Even at sixteen it was clear to some of those who observed him , as it was to William Joyce himself , that his were the qualities of a leader rather than a follower .
21 At heart , this was probably almost as welcome to the other five as it was to France .
22 They saw for the first time what was to become a regular and tragic sequence of events : a dramatic response to the first treatment , a lesser one to a second , and in the end delayed death from a condition which had become as resistant to drugs as it was to radiation therapy .
23 Be that as it may , it is clear that ideology was at least as important to Althusser as it was to Gramsci .
24 But it was clear to Marangos , just as it was to James , that the store openings and continuing publicity were creating a level of business which the financial resources of the company simply could not support .
25 And so whilst the popular perception of Harrogate will remain of it as being a very prosperous and pretty borough er with everything going for it , in fact there 's a very serious unemployment problem of structural er magnitude and we felt that the county structure plan had not acknowledged this erm special difficulty that Harrogate was facing , and had merely applied as we heard this morning the standard formula as it were to Harrogate , as it had to all the other local authority areas in the county .
26 And she added slowly , ‘ He is as attractive to men , you know , as he is to women . ’
27 He was almost as hostile to his own mother as he was to Elinor 's , even though the politesse observed by his family meant he had not yet worked out a way of expressing it .
28 ‘ Devoted to her ladyship , as he was to Sir John , you know . ’
29 The man was as insensitive to language as he was to people .
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