Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] on [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We talked , we made plans , we exchanged numbers , as you do on aeroplanes : it 's the booze , it 's the canned air and the rich-quick stories , it 's the pornography of travel .
2 Well , you 'll also have noticed I am sure that as she went on touches of uneasiness began to appear .
3 ‘ They ca n't really be friends , ’ said Bernice as she worked on repairs to the faulty connection .
4 It is difficult to visualize now , but it must have been within this pavilion that the young Roshanara consulted her spies as she reclined on carpets beside the gently bubbling irrigation runnels .
5 Our waterproof walking boots were really necessary here as we balanced on rocks to cross the gushing stream .
6 Such women may have been rather running businesses than producing goods in so far as they relied on journeymen .
7 He dubbed himself ‘ The Dragon ’ , but was known as the ‘ Railway Rapist ’ as he picked his victims at random as they travelled on trains , waited on platforms or as the walked close to railway stations .
8 Investment banks too are starting to publish opinions on credit , just as they do on equities .
9 Although change may evolve slowly , problem-posing can be a nurturing process with people exploring visions and building community together as they work on problems .
10 For the Christian this will mean entering into a dialogue with God 's word as it touches on issues requiring change , which we shall be investigating later .
11 The jump in share prices was comparable to yesterday 's but the euphoria quickly ebbed away as it dawned on investors that — in terms of the immediate prospects — not much had changed and what had changed was not entirely for the better .
12 Sadly , there turns out to be a sound explanation for this instruction it 's aimed at the club audience , who watch the show as it happens on banks of TV monitors .
13 The Derridean critique of logocentrism necessarily includes the concept of history insofar as it depends on notions of presence and meaning determined as truth .
14 The demand for exports ( X ) , however , is assumed to be an exogenous variable as it depends on incomes and demand conditions overseas .
15 In the second and third years the course comes together as it concentrates on communications as a discipline , taking the discourse of sociology and psychology much more for granted .
16 No one ever looked ‘ a little lovelier each day with fabulous new Camay ’ — a bar of green Fairy soap worked as well on faces as it did on floors .
17 A New Yorker of Italian extraction , his was a fairy tale victory as he chewed on cigars to settle frayed nerves , then beat Nicklaus and Player by five shots with final rounds of 67 and 68 .
18 When Moran eventually appeared he did not speak but fussed excessively as he put on socks and boots .
19 He leafs through the file of correspondence in his In-tray , the two vertical lines in his brow above the nose drawing closer together as he concentrates on names , figures , dates .
20 He moved away and I heard a murmur of protest as he trod on feet and pushed ribs to move back through the sightseers .
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