Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] at her " in BNC.

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1 My worries melted as I looked at her .
2 As I looked at her , I thought of her shrinking , like someone in a fairytale , and how one day I might hold her in the palm of my hand with her little voice squeaking commands at me as if she was a mouse I 'd picked up in the garden .
3 As I stared at her wondering what had caused the condition , I decided that it must be some kind of vitamin deficiency .
4 I felt really emotional as I gazed at her , realising how fast my pretty little girl was growing up .
5 As you looked at her more and more insects swarmed on to her ; then , as the weight grew too much for the insects underneath to cling to her smooth skin , great black cakes of them flaked away and fell fizzing to the ground .
6 Your hatred of my mother disappeared as you looked at her .
7 Some day you 'll come across her and you 'll know it , as soon as you look at her , you 'll know it .
8 More fac more factual than er er as she gazes at her , you know , her two kiddies playing
9 There was no readable expression on her face , but Marjorie felt an unease as she looked at her , as though the woman were watching her through narrowed lids .
10 Long moments later he lifted his head from hers , his eyes darker than ever as they gazed at her .
11 Even if he now commanded her , as he was undressing , to open her eyes she would not see his powerful , barrel-chested body as it came at her .
12 A WOMAN stabbed her husband in the back as he laughed at her , a court heard .
13 There was a harshness in his voice , echoed in the depths of his eyes as he glared at her .
14 He grinned as he came at her again .
15 ‘ Please go , ’ Alexandra said , fielding the lion as he plunged at her , ‘ I 'll call for help if I need it .
16 As he looked at her , his face closed over with a faintly embarrassed incredulity .
17 Joe was not smiling as he looked at her .
18 As he looked at her , preparing to bargain all over again , there was a splat ! of sparks from the light , a high-pitched sizzle , and then darkness .
19 The vicious force which was now her essence and to which she gave the name of hatred ( only this was too narrow and too petty a name to describe it ) was directed upon Jack : Jack on whom daily , as he looked at her sometimes so anxiously , so humbly , she smiled the smile of reassurance and of calm .
20 ‘ How lovely she is , ’ he thought for the thousandth time , as he looked at her fondly .
21 As he looked at her , slumped awkwardly in sleep , he tried without success to put his finger on that indefinable something which made this girl so totally English .
22 You know — ’ He pulled in his chin as he looked at her before continuing , ‘ It 's odd , but none of the other girls I 've brought to the house over the years have seemed to arouse your animosity .
23 She held his gaze as he looked at her .
24 His eyes flickered as he looked at her , and she knew he was searching his mind for a joke .
25 He laughed and kissed her again , and she could sense the relief in his words and in his eyes , as he looked at her with tenderness .
26 Yet his expression as he looked at her and the strength with which he seized her arm made her uncomfortably aware of their isolated position .
27 His eyes narrowed as he looked at her , and seemed to glow with fury , their brown tint lightening almost to gold .
28 He smiled again , his eyes hooding as he looked at her .
29 His eyes narrowed as he looked at her .
30 Luke 's face changed as he looked at her .
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