Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Jennifer said nothing , as nothing seemed called for .
2 As long as I stay confined to this moral nihilism , the single unquestioned imperative will be to act intelligently , and in particular to be aware of objective conditions , of those obstinate facts about external difficulties and my own limitations which thwart my efforts unless I recognize and adapt myself to them .
3 I put a hand into the language space and drew the briefcase to the front ; and it was of black crocodile skin with gold clasps , as I 'd seen at Nottingham races .
4 Com , coming out the back tell me how just as I 'd gone by the door and er
5 Sixty-seven , but as I 'd said to Ruth Cohen , lively with it .
6 Very irritating because er if only I 'd approached David earlier as I 'd intended to .
7 I intended to pick up my car and come over to see you as soon as I 'd talked to Bertelli , but when I got back here Lorenzini had this message from up near the fort .
8 ‘ … well , they got up and left so I thought I 'd clear their glasses as soon as I 'd finished with the man I was serving .
9 The midwife suggested I go into the birthing pool as I 'd requested on my birth plan .
10 As soon as I get settled in some place , it 's time to move on .
11 All over the world , as I had observed on my travels for Panorama and TRI , countries which had long been administered by others were hoisting their own colours ; everywhere the idea of new-born nationhood was in the air .
12 I thereupon asked Howard Samuel whether he would grant to the Labour Party a licence for the extract , as I had discovered from the contract that the quotation rights were vested in the publisher .
13 If it was like seeing a long lost friend again after twenty-seven years , Darby O'Gill was comfortingly predictable with touches of the old sparkle but we had lost a lot of common ground as I had moved from a place of romance and innocence through a world of cynicism and calculated sophistication .
14 That , as I had seen from the outside , was shrouded in green plastic , and , as all the windows seemed to have been boarded up , there was scarcely any light at all .
15 But during the weekends I did my best to claim her attention , following her about from room to room as I had done as a small child , and chattering endlessly about life , literature and the events of the previous school-term .
16 I no longer saw them , indeed , as legless beings on self moving pedestals as I had done at Salisbury but from being so constantly restricted in movement it seemed that they must be incapable of movement .
17 I repeated and repeated the twenty-third psalm , as I had done in so many kinds of danger before .
18 In a television programme networked from BBC Scotland called The Disunited Kingdom , I addressed the viewer direct as I had done in my Liberal Party general election broadcast .
19 I sought a subject , as I had done in the past , by looking at my TV screen to see what was going on the world .
20 His quiet reproaches , as I had felt on more than one occasion , were all the more devastating .
21 I admit , you and I did rather live our years together in the shadow of Jean-Claude , as I had lived in the shadow of Montaine .
22 I groped for Toby in the dark and found his hands , and they held on to me , and I shouted again to an unknown listener as I had wanted to in the street : " I do n't want this !
23 It was not as I had expected at all because living in the kind of commune that Mary Finnigan 's house was , there was n't a lot of time for romance .
24 The offending blob had been on the left side of the X-ray as I had looked at it , and I had assumed that it was my left lung that was affected .
25 I found the same classificatory system in use with the same unconscious linguistic divisions being applied as I had learned in the mid-1950s .
26 I also had high hopes of the Electricity Board , particularly as I had taken to cutting ‘ Miss ’ off my meter reading cards with scissors and it was one of those cards you are n't allowed to cut or mutilate as it upsets the computer .
27 I decided that as I had worked for Harold Wilson and enjoyed his total confidence for several years , there was some duty to try to deter him from the worst mistakes .
28 With courage grasped I begin to climb , tentatively at first , until nerves evaporate as I become absorbed in the climbing .
29 as long as I 've gone by , or I 'm leaving here by eleven give me a half hour to get home .
30 It was as bad as I 've seen in 60 years . ’
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