Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 My worries melted as I looked at her .
2 As I looked at her , I thought of her shrinking , like someone in a fairytale , and how one day I might hold her in the palm of my hand with her little voice squeaking commands at me as if she was a mouse I 'd picked up in the garden .
3 As I stared at her wondering what had caused the condition , I decided that it must be some kind of vitamin deficiency .
4 I felt really emotional as I gazed at her , realising how fast my pretty little girl was growing up .
5 As I said to her we 've got two shelves of hardbacks in the alcove because I do think they furnish a room as the man said , but I would n't be on for lending them out because you do n't know the condition they 'd come back in .
6 But as I said to her — I said , God will provide . ’
7 As I said to her , a man likes his house kept nice .
8 If she had felt as deeply for me as I felt for her there would n't be a need for all that .
9 Yeah , as long as I look like her .
10 She looked so fresh and happy that I started grinning as soon as I waved to her , standing below me in the cockpit of the boat , where a servant from Faalifu was carrying some packages while Captain Baker looked down from the bridge .
11 The woman brought me a chair as I bent over her , both my hands enclosing the weak one which lay on the bedcovers .
12 As I tagged behind her holding on to her hand in case we got separated , I had mixed feelings about meeting Laura again .
13 I never understand why the teeth of winter bite so cruelly down into the bone , how daylight sickens from the east , why Elsbeth is so chill as I lie with her , why the nights are so long , without word or gleam .
14 She left this house to us , and an allowance to Emily so long as she did n't marry , and one to me so long as I stayed with her .
15 Our cave on the upper slopes of the Aletschhorn suits her well , but ours is a fugitive life , as I explain to her .
16 I caused a lot of hurt to my husband and family when I left them to live with her , but my partner , Kate , felt as strongly about me as I did about her and I know it was the right thing to do .
17 I feel my heart pounding as I think of her , and I can not push from my mind a strong feeling that something has happened to her .
18 I am close to despair as I think of her — –her hollow eyes haunt me whenever I drift towards sleep being slowly sucked dry by that thing in Pampers .
19 ‘ I do n't know ; you forgot what she looked like as you listened to her .
20 As you looked at her more and more insects swarmed on to her ; then , as the weight grew too much for the insects underneath to cling to her smooth skin , great black cakes of them flaked away and fell fizzing to the ground .
21 Your hatred of my mother disappeared as you looked at her .
22 Some day you 'll come across her and you 'll know it , as soon as you look at her , you 'll know it .
23 ‘ Tell me what 's going on between you and Piers , ’ she heard herself pleading as she walked beside her .
24 More fac more factual than er er as she gazes at her , you know , her two kiddies playing
25 ‘ What are you doing ? ’ she said to Polly/Amanda as she stepped over her again .
26 She would not say anything , Mrs Blakey decided as she collected around her the ingredients of a steak and kidney stew for everyone 's supper .
27 Then , in a lower tone as she gazed about her , ‘ No wonder ! ’
28 The two-hour battle did not exactly revive memories of Croft 's professional heyday when she reached the lofty heights of world No 22 as she struggled with her serve , and produced too many errors to get into any sort of groove .
29 She made her way to the second floor , her frown deepening as she looked about her , properly taking in her surroundings for the first time .
30 There was no readable expression on her face , but Marjorie felt an unease as she looked at her , as though the woman were watching her through narrowed lids .
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