Example sentences of "as [noun] [verb] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 In so far as Freud thought he had done psychology as a natural science , he has been vulnerable to critics within psychology who have applied natural scientific criteria to his work and found it wanting .
2 In so far as decorum allows I have tried to do so myself , and at some cost to my reputation for a sympathetic bedside manner .
3 News of the two games came as Tottenham announced they had wiped out their debts by finally banking almost £6m from the Italians for the gifted Gascoigne .
4 In short , it has not changed as much as observers think it has .
5 As night fell they had turned their backs on the rush and excitement of the Expo and returned to the old Seville where they had dined by candlelight in a small pavement café and watched the world rush by .
6 Now , just as Norman thought he had rekindled his old flame with a closing 63 at Montego Bay that would have floored anyone but Faldo , he must recover his wits again .
7 She looked faintly stunned , as people do who have observed the misshapen : there is no Schadenfreude to ease the witnessing of deformity .
8 You will get some interesting gambles as people think you have missed the selected card .
9 I do n't count retail as sales experience I have to say .
10 as Sandra says we 've done it twice this year .
11 As Tim said you have to hold on to the fact that these are real characters and their in a kind of confrontational situation here are n't they ?
12 She had been outraged when her husband left for another woman , had addressed him with religious vehemence and spoken of hell , but as time passed she had realised that life was very much more pleasant without him , that he was generous with money , and so she had , not forgiven , but ceased to revile him ; and I know she found grim amusement in my stepmother 's harassed countenance and the irritating ways of her two small children .
13 At the other extreme , Belinda attached herself with limpet-like tenacity , as Rachel remembered she had done previously in the swimming-pool , doggedly refusing to be distracted by any other diversion , engrossed only in Rachel 's clothes , her hair and the colour of her lipstick .
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