Example sentences of "had not [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Ranulph Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes , 48 , had not exactly dressed up for his meeting with John Major .
2 She struggled up , wiping a lump of mud from her forehead , and gazed after the car , which had not even slowed down .
3 Oddly , she had never shown much interest in touring in West Germany — perhaps she was scared to go that close to the border — and had not even taken out a West German passport , to which she was automatically entitled .
4 Strathclyde , a huge left-Labour-controlled council , had not even set up the required risk-capital fund .
5 ‘ Of course , ’ she murmured , and smiled to show that her heart had not just sunk down into her boots .
6 But I had not voluntarily given up my ‘ lecturing ’ ; my institute had closed on account of the Cyprus situation , and I had to make do with inadequate ‘ private means ’ , even ‘ touching capital ’ , which would have deeply shocked Ivy .
7 The people who had not yet moved out of hospital showed no clear trend in their level of participation in meaningful activity , strengthening the case for attributing changes in the group that moved to the community services rather than passage of time or general improvement in all services .
8 Alison had not yet moved in .
9 ‘ It was just a bit of crack , but curiously enough it gave me my first taste of playing in public , something I had not yet done back home . ’
10 For he had not yet fallen on upon any of them .
11 He had not yet made up his mind whether he would speak in Thursday 's debate on immigration .
12 In any event , and this is the real answer , Bismarck had not yet given up hope of bringing his scheme to a successful conclusion and even though it seemed difficult to envisage just how this could be done , he waited for his moment .
13 In 1095 , Anselm had not yet given up hope of working amicably with the king .
14 The omission meant , Tuathal knew , that he had not yet found out .
15 The great cloud of dust raised inside the block by the morning 's sweeping of the floor had not yet settled down again .
16 Mr Ayre said a national report earlier in the week showed grant maintained schools were faring better than their counterparts which had not yet opted out .
17 He went down to breakfast and was relieved to find that the Captain had not yet come down .
18 As she could hear Jack coming down the stairs she returned to the kitchen and picked up the metal spoon and plunged it into the saucepan which she had not yet put on to heat .
19 There was a mangle in one room rearing up out of the cardboard boxes like a stag , the chaos ( or the wolves ) had not yet pulled down .
20 The Water Board had not yet caught up with them .
21 Even foreign tourists who had not yet caught on to the realities of life in Romania and perhaps were over-insistent in demanding from a minor bureaucrat of the tourist office why some essential and prepaid feature of their holiday had failed to materialize would be confronted by a shrug of the shoulders and the muttered words , ‘ Epocha Ceauşescu , as the only explanation .
22 His kidneys were diseased but cirrhosis of the liver had not yet set in .
23 That wretched obsession with time which was a hallmark of my own age had not yet set in ; there were not even railway timetables to make people conform to the clock .
24 A few days previously I had paid a quick visit to Bourn , which had not yet closed down , to say goodbye to those of my acquaintances who were still there , and to find out what had happened to Rosemary .
25 These were the feelings of loss at the death of her first husband , which she had not yet worked through , her sense of guilt at letting social services help out , and her feeling of remorse at the kind of marriage she could offer Stanley .
26 He was almost as hostile to his own mother as he was to Elinor 's , even though the politesse observed by his family meant he had not yet worked out a way of expressing it .
27 By the 1740s the Moghul central government had grown too weak to impose peace on Europeans , in the 1750s the British and the French took an important role in struggles among Indians , and by 1763 the British had made themselves rulers of one of the most important regions of India , though they had not yet worked out a legal form to express the new reality in India .
28 Ignoring her brother 's last remark , simply because Ellie had not yet worked out an answer to that particular problem , Ellie started to clear away their supper things into the kitchen .
29 Or : ‘ The swift blinking of his eyes and the trembling of his sensitive hands … aroused feelings in him that he had not ever owned up to even to himself ’ ?
30 While in hospital I had mentioned to my surgeon that I intended to go to the Bristol Cancer Help Centre , although at that time I had not actually made up my mind .
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