Example sentences of "had been used [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For the Gentiles to receive the word of God , at this point in history , was a truly extraordinary thing to happen in the eyes of those who had been used to years of prejudice against the Gentiles .
2 He suggested that , given the nature of the wounds , it seemed that knuckledusters and razors had been used on members of the public .
3 It was doubtful if the equipment had been used for years .
4 The motif was most probably introduced into Persia from China — where it had been used for centuries as a symbol of peace and tranquillity — and has subsequently been adapted to fulfil both the schematic and symbolic requirements of Islamic weavers .
5 No regular services had been held in it for many years , although it had been used for funerals and the occasional service , remaining open for visitors and pilgrims to Cell-y-bedd and the shrine .
6 He illustrated this by describing how alkaloids had been used as poisons since Roman times ( murder ) , through the discovery of the pain killing effects of morphine ( medicine ) and finally the hallucinogenic activity of LSD ( magic ) .
7 Bushes had been used as toilets , and there was evidence of drug abuse .
8 Mr. Tony Favell , supported by Mr. David Harris , presented a Bill to remove from registers of common land and registers of town or village greens dwellinghouses registered under the Commons Registration Act 1965 which had been used as dwellinghouses for a minimum of twenty years immediately prior to the commencement of that Act ; and for purposes connected therewith : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time on Friday 24 February and to be printed .
9 On Feb. 6 Tunisian radio said that live ammunition had been used against demonstrators attacking National Guard headquarters in the southern towns of Souk al-Ahad and Kebili ; eight people were injured , including three National Guardsmen .
10 Bargaining had evolved in such a way that very few of the Conservative reforms had been used by employers in day-to-day negotiations , he said .
11 ( e.g. the term ‘ natural selection ’ had been used by others before Darwin supplied the concept which the term now implies ) .
12 In one case five fire extinguishers in the same room were found to be empty — some of which had been used by workmen to get rid of dust .
13 Garotting gangs were said to work in threes — a ‘ front stall ’ and a ‘ back-stall ’ who acted is look-outs — and a ‘ nasty ’ man' who moved in from the rear : hug on' had been used by guards in the convict hulks in order to subdue troublesome prisoners , and that this was where the original garotting gangs had learned the art .
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