Example sentences of "had been more [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Catherine , who had been more reliant on her sister than doctors realised , died of heart failure while under sedation on a life support machine .
2 ‘ It should not have done so , ’ says Bingham , ‘ if the Bank had been more alert in receiving and understanding the messages it was given …
3 He had been more certain with Rachaela .
4 The illusion persisted that the British might have succeeded if their diplomacy had been more sensitive and subtle , and if Macmillan himself had been more alive to the timing of the presidential election .
5 the 26 students seeking employment were looking in the same kinds of business areas as those who had been more successful in job search ;
6 The blue cover of the diary with the year clearly printed had been more resistant to the flames ; one corner only was slightly scorched .
7 If I had been counting , or had been more familiar with the aircraft or the sequence , I might have been ready for him .
8 McClennan added : ‘ If Eagles ' Aston had been more accurate with his goal kicking , he would have put much more pressure on us .
9 However , an Indian External Affairs Ministry spokesman , when he was asked on the same day whether negotiations had been more constructive with regard to the long-standing Kashmir dispute , said only that " the talks should be viewed as a measured and gradual approach to stabilization of our relations " .
10 Rachel had n't taken a lot of notice of the young SHO — she had been more interested in her own circle of friends at the time — but he had been a frequent visitor at the Stevenses ' home and she knew her parents had liked him and had been pleased at the prospect of him becoming their son-in-law .
11 The medical officer had put two stitches in his cheek , but had been more concerned with Brigadeführer Farber 's condition .
12 The class had taken a whole afternoon to find him buried beneath his precious collection and he had been more concerned about his stones than himself .
13 At least Churchill is on record that Roosevelt had been more outspoken with him on the subject of Indochina than on any other colonial matter : ‘ I imagine it is one of his principal war aims to liberate Indochina from France ’ .
14 She reported that since she had left hospital her parents had been more sympathetic towards her .
15 Or will the people discover the lie and then be less ready to accept and be guided by his rulings than if he had been more open from the start ?
16 Stuart had been more aware of their existence this year , walking up to lectures at the university , going through the Grassmarket or the gardens , seeing drab figures squatting on the stone steps , or standing outside the hotel in the evening by the vents from the kitchen where the steam formed vapour clouds and it was possible to inhale the smell of food with the intensity of a drug .
17 Perhaps if she herself had been more insistent on spending time with Anna … ?
18 It had been recognized that Liberals had been more adept at handling the press because they were more ready to stoop to newspaper practices , as Sandars had reported in 1909 :
19 During those years , in other words , there was a faster decline of manufacturing in terms of both output and employment in those areas of the country where manufacturing had been more important in the regional economy .
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