Example sentences of "had been [verb] by [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Whether these children had been raised by wolves or simply abandoned and left to their own devices in the forest is unclear .
2 It seems most likely , however , that it was a word like ‘ Teddy Boy ’ or ‘ Mod ’ or ‘ Skinhead ’ which , coming out of the popular culture of working-class London , had been adopted by youths in some localities in order to describe themselves and what they took for their common identity .
3 Her ambitious trek to the distant city had been curtailed by protests from her overworked nervous system , crying for more of whatever the pink cans contained .
4 Sky City One had been built by constructs such as these , their bodies and minds tailored for the job in hand .
5 Coleman once referred to ‘ heartbreaking ’ letters which he heard had been written by practitioners who had gone unprepared into country practice , but he said ‘ I have no compunctious visitings in the matter ’ .
6 Describing the donor response as " feeble " , Veloso said that only 387,000 tonnes of food had been pledged by donors , out of 916,000 tonnes requested ; less than 20 per cent of the amount requested had actually arrived in Mozambique .
7 Two reporters in particular , Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward of the Washington Post , had already begun an investigation which convinced them that the operation had been planned by officials much higher up than Liddy ; and even more important , that a deliberate attempt was being made in the White House to cover up the whole matter .
8 By the time that the present case had reached the Court of Appeal , as many as 100 injunctions had been granted by judges of the Chancery Division , following the approach of Mervyn Davies J. By that time , too , the decision of the European Court of Justice in the Torfaen case had been followed by its decisions in the Conforama and Marchandise cases ; and it was the contention of the council that the approach of the court in the former case , upon which Wickes relied , had been tacitly abandoned by the court in the latter two cases .
9 Club secretary Bryan Ayres confirmed that the Underhill switchboard had been jammed by fans ringing in to voice their displeasure at Fry 's sacking .
10 Club secretary Bryan Ayres confirmed the Underhill switchboard had been jammed by fans , angry at Fry 's sacking .
11 Mrs Frak , a state enrolled nurse had been convicted by magistrates of common assault on Mrs Sarah Fribbins .
12 Mrs Frak , a state enrolled nurse had been convicted by magistrates of common assault on Mrs Sarah Fribbins .
13 Train services on the Esk Valley line were delayed for a short time and the Sprinter train was allowed to continue its journey after it had been examined by experts .
14 Furthermore , while ‘ logically ’ it might appear that at least from summer 1941 only Hitler could be blamed for the extension and prolongation of the war , a sufficient platform had been constructed by years of propaganda and ideological indoctrination to buttress the transfer of the blame to Germany 's external enemies — the Bolsheviks , the Jews , the British , the Americans — or to internal incompetence , naturally stopping short of the Führer , as when Field Marshal von Brauchitsch was made the scapegoat for mistakes in strategy and provisioning on the eastern Front in the winter of 1941–2 .
15 One long green stretch had been named by airmen familiar with this route ‘ The Million Dollar Valley ’ .
16 His arrest was part of a longstanding FBI investigation ; four of the charges on which he was indicted dated back to December 1988 when he had been discovered by police in a hotel room with a convicted drug dealer , Charles Lewis .
17 The fact that the assassination coincided with the release in Lebanon of the British hostage John McCarthy [ see p. 38405 ] fuelled speculation that it had been sanctioned by opponents of the Iranian government critical of its current conciliatory attitude towards the West [ see pp.38212 ; 38309 ] and of its role in pressing for an early resolution of the hostage crisis .
18 Thomas Linehan of the IDA stated in court that a fencing contractor had been warned by pickets at the dump , one carrying a sign reading ‘ We want justice not asbestos ’ , not to go on the site or there would be trouble .
19 Blood pressures rose at reports that US TV film of the Coronation in 1953 had been punctuated by ads featuring a chim-panzee , J Fred Muggs .
20 Up until that time much of the work in steel-making had been done by individuals or groups of steel-making master craftsmen on a jobbing or sub-contracting basis .
21 The government denied that the changes had been precipitated by disagreements on economic strategy .
22 Although some reports suggested that the need for a smaller force had been dictated by plans to reduce NATO forces by up to 30 per cent by the mid-1990s , a communiqué issued at the end of the meeting said that defence spending in real terms " should not be expected to reduce substantially in the near term " .
23 Over the last few months the republic had been buoyed by waves of euphoria .
24 Judge John Slack was told the hunt had been followed by members of the League Against Cruel Sports .
25 Allegations by Roman Catholic bishops and some non-governmental organizations had been followed by reports of the murder of UN employees in September and October [ see pp. 39132 ; 39181 ] .
26 If Forgive us our … had been followed by sins ( as it is in some modern versions of the Lord 's Prayer ) , inappropriate contextual information could slow down word identification if used too early .
27 This hope had been inspired by events in France , where the financier John Law , exiled after a fatal duel , was perceived to be achieving a spectacular unloading of the public debt .
28 We should be trying to enhance cooperative arrangements of referral and support between health and social work departments and private homes , and Mike O'Reilly did n't actually say that they had that problem but he said that their clients had been referred by GPs or by the psychogeriatric service .
29 In Chapter 6 , it was suggested that one factor which contributed to the variations in fortune between different towns was the extent to which they had been affected by developments in the manufacture of cloth .
30 On Sept. 3 Minister of Defence Samba Lamine Mane disclosed that large numbers of soldiers had deserted because of appalling living standards ; every armed forces unit had been affected by desertions ( he did not specify the exact number ) , and 80 army and naval officers were threatening to strike if there were no improvement in food and accommodation .
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