Example sentences of "had been [verb] to she " in BNC.

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1 " See you , " said Alice , and turned away from the girl and went in , feeling that the 556 — at least — young couples with their spotty , frustrated infants had been presented to her by Fate , as her responsibility .
2 As soon as they knew that Bella had been assigned to her , the other two trainees cornered Marie in the canteen and briefed her on what to expect .
3 Now , in retrospect , she could see that marriage to him would have been a ghastly mistake , and that her reaction to discovering that he had been seeing other women while he had been engaged to her had had far more to do with wounded pride than with a wounded heart .
4 After they ordered , Wickham toyed with a table knife and told her that he knew where the ones which had been sent to her and Tavett had come from .
5 ‘ It was a combination of shock , pain and exhaustion and the overall effect of what had been done to her . ’
6 Then , in her attempt to experience more closeness to her husband and to drive him to understand what she felt like but could not make conscious or put into words , she did to him what had been done to her .
7 She could no longer bring to the man she loved her untouched innocence , and , worse than that , she could not bear his lovemaking because it reminded her so bitterly of what had been done to her .
8 He suspected that perhaps McAllister , always so gallant in facing life , as he had now seen on several occasions , had tried to suppress , to crush down the awful memory of what had been done to her , had refused to give way to grief , to shed healing tears , until in his arms something had reminded her so strongly of what had passed and broken the barriers her will had erected .
9 Erika felt goose-pimples on her arms and the thought crossed her mind that , despite all that had been said to her about courage , perhaps she was n't really cut out for stardom , after all .
10 Even so , she had to pretend to like it , particularly because it had been given to her by her father .
11 " It 's just a trick , really , it 's easy , " said Clara , and she took back the egg , and found that she could not put it together again either , so they decided to abandon it , and left it in little pieces in a glass dish on the mantelpiece with some dry and coloured gourds , and then they went downstairs and out into the park , and walked towards the bus stop , and Clara explained , lest the gourds and the egg should be thought to reflect in any way on herself , that they had been given to her by a friend the week before , to celebrate her twenty-second birthday .
12 It had been given to her in case an emergency arose , but it seemed to Mrs Blakey that the atmosphere which had developed in the house could n't be called an emergency .
13 She lost pearls that had been given to her for her 21st birthday .
14 You would go in there planning to discuss , say , her habit of ogling men in restaurants or her inability to repay money she had borrowed , or her ability to disseminate confidences throughout the whole of Wimbledon about five minutes after they had been imparted to her , and you would end up discussing the state of affairs in Europe , the merits of Beethoven , or , more usually , your own deficiencies .
15 Threats had been made to her and the children and in the end she had been driven over the edge .
16 For about a year , since the summer before last , in fact , I had been writing to her and she to me and , because of the distance and something else I have n't been able to put my finger on ( maybe a need for excitement ) , the letters had become more and more sentimental , more and more loving , more and more like proper love letters .
17 Once Celie finds out her sister was still alive and had been writing to her for all this time but she had not received any letters because Albert had intercepted the letters , she stopped writing to God .
18 She asserted that she had been done out of her rights to the ownership of Mrs Ferrar 's London house , which had been promised to her on the old lady 's death .
19 She wished more than anything that she could say yes , or at least explain that if it had been left to her she would have come with all the will in the world , but there was her mother .
20 I had one repaired for Susannah , it had been left to her by an aunt and she had managed to smash it against a post or something and broke the shank and knocked out one of the erm , stones , so on and so forth , and eh , together with some repairs on a charm bracelet I had to pay thirty seven pounds for the whole jolly lot .
21 In that first heart-stopping moment when he realised that it really was her , his impulse had been to run to her , to grab her in his arms and smother her with kisses , to chide her for not waiting until he came back to make her his wife .
22 Storm or no storm , she could no more have returned to the inn than she had been able to return penitent to the bosom of her family six long years ago , when the same stigma would have been laid to her then as had been laid to her now .
23 She also knew that Bertie had been lying to her over ‘ discontinuing ’ the post .
24 Rachel had become so lost in her thoughts that she suddenly realised her father had been talking to her and she had n't heard a word .
25 In fact , she knew it , for a picture of him had been smuggled to her .
26 The job had been offered to her out of the blue .
27 She had marched indignantly out when the proposal had been put to her and the matter had remained unresolved ever since .
28 She could not turn from the destiny that had been alotted to her .
29 The bodice clung to her breasts as if it had been moulded to her , a thin diamanté halter giving an illusion of safety .
30 From the first night he had met her , when she had stood up to him in his own house , he had been attracted to her .
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