Example sentences of "had been [verb] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What else could she do , Merrill asked herself , but stand up , pleasantly acquiescent because of Richard 's presence , and let Luke take her arm and lead her into a room which had been cleared for dancing ?
2 There were , he said , currently only 3,850 people serving sentences in prisons and re-education centres for all types of offences ( roughly 1.2 per 1,000 population ) ; of these 83 had been convicted for attempting the violent overthrow of the state , the most serious political offence .
3 A grant had been obtained for de-silting Swelling Hill Pond .
4 In 51 minutes Ian Ferguson crashed in a fierce 20 yarder which flew wide and Rangers missed a great chance to go ahead when Murdoch saved a Hateley penalty kick , after the keeper had been penalised for bringing down the big attacker .
5 That enabled Senna to qualify in fifth place and on race day his tactical mastery helped him to victory for a record sixth time , Alain Prost had been penalised for jumping the start .
6 Bridgend did score a good try through Gareth Thomas from a tapped penalty , while at the other end Jones should really have kicked a second penalty after Jenkins had been penalised for treading heavily on Yendle .
7 More than one in five of the requested items which could not be supplied had been sent for binding .
8 The bovine TB bacterium was first isolated from a badger in June 1971 , some 20 years after farmers in Cornwall had been ridiculed for suggesting that badgers were involved in the spread of TB to cattle .
9 James decided to concentrate his efforts on subduing Londonderry , but in the end had to ride back , damp and disappointed , to Dublin , where , on 26 April , as he wrote in his memoirs , ‘ he found the arms not arrived from Cork , Kinsale or Waterford ; and that in the arsenal nothing had been done for preparing of tools ’ .
10 A TYCOON cleared yesterday of raping a blonde topless model had been jailed for murdering his baby son and three family members .
11 Shortly afterwards his father died : he felt that he had been punished for expecting too much .
12 And although Whigs under Anne liked to claim that James had been deposed for breaking his original contract with the people , they found it a credible way of embarrassing their political opponents to argue that it was the Tories who had been responsible for James 's downfall .
13 Giving their decision , Lord Hope said strong reasons had been given for hearing what the children had to say without taking them back to Orkney .
14 At lunch , Dick Hansen decided that the pieces he could see ( because it had been disassembled for shipping ) from the pictures merited a closer look and so Dick called the owner to verify the price .
15 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) had been criticized for risking the lives of six astronauts , merely to launch a satellite which could have been put into orbit more cheaply by an unmanned rocket .
16 Iliescu said that the NSF leadership had been criticized for giving in to mob rule , and that the issue , like that of the death penalty , should instead be put to a referendum .
17 He had been criticized for failing to do enough to prevent a spate of serious attacks on foreign workers and asylum-seekers in the state , and had also been accused of working for the Stasi .
18 There followed a frantic exchange of telegrams between Rangoon and Whitehall in which the Governor offered various solutions to the prevailing deadlock , finally coming up with the unexpected suggestion that a new coalition ministry was possible with Paw Tun , the last premier of Burma before the invasion ; U Saw , his predecessor as premier , an unscrupulous schemer who had been interned for dealing with the Japanese ; and Aung San , previously portrayed by Dorman-Smith as a murderer and an enemy .
19 1–9 Great preparations had been made for observing the total eclipse of the moon but owing to thick cloud only the last of it was seen .
20 Funds from the Benian Trust had been earmarked for renovating the car parking areas at the recreation ground and to reinstate the service road between the putting green and tennis courts .
21 He had joined up as Air Crew , and for several weeks had walked around proudly with the white flash in his cap , denoting that he had been selected for flying .
22 By 1968 , 15,000 men had been trained for handling civil disorder .
23 Gen. Ricardo Contreras , head of the Army Intelligence Battalion ( BIE ) which in September had been exposed for tapping civilian telephones [ see p. 39092 ] .
24 The petition had been listed for hearing by Mr Registrar Scott shortly after 11am .
25 Bernadette had been sacked for cheeking the nurse .
26 She added that Miss Owen had been sacked for asking the elderly residents their views about another member of staff .
27 Sipping lager , we gazed at the front-page face of a dour middle-aged nurse who had been sacked for making porno movies on hospital premises .
28 William Reid , 31 , had been fired for protesting at a late lunch order from executives at the Daily Mirror 's London offices .
29 The Assembly also approved the leadership purge of June and July , when six high-ranking officials in the ruling Khmer People 's Revolutionary Party ( KPRP ) had been arrested for trying to set up a new party [ see also pp. 37598-99 ] .
30 The three authors , all former Red Guards ( Li Yi Zhe was their collective pen name ) had been arrested for expressing their radical views in ‘ On Socialist Democracy and the Legal System ’ , although at first Deng Xiaoping and Zhao Ziyang had suggested that they supported the main ideas of the poster .
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