Example sentences of "had been [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Outside , a weather vane had been built in the lee of the vicarage next door , hardly an ideal position ; especially , when I discovered that its arrow pointer had been fixed to point in the direction of the ruined castle Blanchefort in the nearby mountains .
2 The trial had been fixed to commence on 5 May 1989 .
3 A child who had been taught to pray to a Mother in Heaven would have a religious life radically different from that of a Christian child .
4 He had been taught drawing at Eton by ‘ Sammy ’ and Sidney Evans , of the long-established dynasty of drawing masters , and in Oxford at the Ruskin School and by the Slade professor ( Sir ) Charles Holmes [ q.v. ] , but he was over forty before his individual style was formed .
5 As a soldier he had been taught to err on the side of caution .
6 " If people had been taught to believe in God then this or that calamity would not have happened . "
7 They predicted that he would make friends more easily , reckoning without natural adolescent malice and the excessive value their pupils had been taught to place on modesty , however false .
8 From the church came a dual impulse strengthening this morality : the prevailing teaching on sexual abstention outside of marriage under pain of mortal sin , and the rigorous life of a clergy pledged to chastity and preaching the need for an unmarried laity to practise the same degree and kind of circumspection in sexual matters which the clergy had been taught to impose upon themselves .
9 It was something I had been raised to believe in , so the idea of living with him , even temporarily , had an illicit feel to it .
10 Two weeks later , Henry changed his will and excluded Gardiner from the regency council which had been appointed to rule during the minority of his son .
11 Within ten days , a special prosecutor had been appointed to look into criminal misconduct .
12 Cripps denied that the books had been improperly kept , saying that an accounts clerk had been appointed to look after them after his own health had broken down in 1917 .
13 Some reports also hinted that the Libyan connection had been leaked to coincide with efforts to tie Iran and Syria into the emerging US-led anti-Iraq alliance in the Gulf crisis .
14 The most dramatic breakthrough came in 1970 as Courtaulds , the textile giant , was upgrading its machinery and selling off cheaply equipment which had been built to last for years .
15 Over by the window there was a wardrobe that had been built to fit into the corner , tall and heavy , mirror-fronted with small brass teardrop handles .
16 Observers said that the demonstration had been planned to coincide with the visit to Dili of a Portuguese parliamentary delegation ( subsequently cancelled by Indonesia — see p. 38535 ) , and of the UN special rapporteur on torture , Peter Kooymans , to raise international awareness of the East Timor independence movement .
17 A Scotsman had been witnessed hammering on the door of the nearby Bull public house .
18 Ernst Richter was the latest recruit from the academy , having arrived the previous day , and he had been assigned to work with Mauer for the first month so that his temperament and personality could be assessed to ensure that later on he would be paired with the right partner .
19 Her defence was that she had been influenced to sign by duress on the part of her husband .
20 It was built in 1829–30 , but already by 1844 had been relegated to use as a goods station as railway development speeded ahead .
21 Beneath me the Thames lassooed and pulsed like a human brain , sending signals , slipping veil after veil as if a heavier liquid had been sent to slide across its face of water , leaving no doubt that rivers are living things .
22 A small crossbow bolt had been sent smashing into the back of his skull .
23 I have mentioned that , while the Governor was still in Simla , a very able Burman , U Khin Zaw , had been sent to train with the BBC .
24 Most of the men who had not joined the partisans had been deported to Germany and most of the young women had been sent to work in factories in the Reich .
25 Vietnam had withdrawn from the organization in 1985 [ see p. 34651 ] following allegations first made in 1981 that thousands of Vietnamese had been sent to work in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to earn money for the repayment of Vietnamese government debts [ see pp. 31592-93 ; 32675 ] .
26 Dr Martin Brewer of the Institute of Geological Sciences in Britain reported that the material he had been sent did in fact cont–in asbestos .
27 His father had been too upset to talk to Darren about it and he had been sent to stay with an aunt that he did not know very well .
28 Mellissa had been discovered slumped over her workstation , leaking viscous fluid and very clearly lifeless .
29 I was put in touch with a local historian who thought that the stone was possibly a Roman altar stone and said that it had been discovered set into the wall of the church when renovations were made a few years ago .
30 Bratti had been discovered spying for a rival security service .
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