Example sentences of "had been [adj] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But that had been seven months ago , a chill morning in mid-February , when the bushes which screened the canal walk from the neighbouring council estate had been tangled thickets of lifeless thorn ; when the branches of the ash trees had been black with buds so tight that it seemed impossible they could ever crack into greenness ; and the thin denuded wands of willow , drooping over the canal , had cut delicate feathers on the quickening stream .
2 Even the Darwinian theory of evolution was impressive , not because the concept of evolution was new — it had been familiar for decades — but because it provided for the first time a satisfactory explanatory model for the origin of species , and did so in terms which were entirely familiar even to non-scientists , since they echoed the most familiar concept of the liberal economy , competition .
3 He had found a niche at once with the men , but she told Julia that she had been unhappy for months , struggling with the other women to force local villagers to disgorge food , humping it back up to the camp and preparing it under extraordinarily difficult conditions .
4 Some of the speculation had been self-cancelling with newspapers predicting that the Government would take quite opposite courses .
5 No recording of Jenkins 's music had been available for years before the Thorofon CD , and now this Astrée issue comes onto the market , as if to underline how huge a gap in the recorded repertoire that was .
6 As the world warmed , the global sea level rose at rates which certainly were without parallel in the last 100,000 years , but until this month no continuous record of this sea-level change had been available to scientists .
7 This was an adaptation , evolved by the courts , of the writ of account which from the thirteenth century had been available against bailiffs , factors and receivers .
8 Neighbours claimed the children 's mother , Sharon Dawson , had been unwell for months .
9 It had been dry for weeks , but there were thunderheads over against the mountains and the atmosphere was heavy with the hint of rain .
10 Sir Henry Manceville had been obsessed with ghosts and .
11 Her progress had been one of near-collisions , dodging round cases and people , and just as the gate she 'd wanted had come in sight she had seen Lori and a man passing through .
12 On the other hand , the staff felt that the project would have taken a different form and provoked different responses from teachers if an outsider had been present at meetings .
13 In most cases they did not go far or , if they did , the paths from their region to the city had been well-trodden by kinsmen and neighbours , like the hawkers and seasonal building workers who had long been in the habit of coming up to Paris from central France , whose numbers grew with the constructional work of Paris until , after 1870 , they turned from seasonal into permanent migrants .
14 Until 1925 it had been possible for Communists to be represented in all sections of the Labour Party but at the liverpool Conference it was decided to exclude them from membership .
15 He admitted that some people in Hong Kong had been alarmed by reports of carnage in Peking but said this was only because they ‘ misunderstood ’ or had been misled by the ‘ false reporting and even rumour of some news media ’ .
16 Most of them had been due to efforts on the spot by units of the Red Army .
17 Dana had embraced the dancing and singing lessons with fervour , but Claudia , trailing behind her sister , had been bored to tears by them , and after a time her father had put an end to what he 'd seen as a waste of his money and Claudia 's time .
18 Very painstaking stratigraphical work put it beyond doubt that men had been contemporary with animals now extinct , and that human history must therefore go back long before the 4004 BC computed from Genesis .
19 Jim had been good with relatives , but Jack had some extra dimension to add to it .
20 Only six winters earlier , respectable London had been awash with fears of violent crime .
21 For four days , the nearby town of Ballater had been awash with rumours that the Landau Carriage would be used — weather permitting .
22 After 1986 parliamentary concern shifted towards the security service or MI5 , particularly because of allegations that it had been involved in attempts to smear elected politicians during the 1970s .
23 Michael Walsh had taught in the school for six years , and had been involved in meetings in the Humanities department when the idea was discussed :
24 Earlier , Det Sgt John Clark had said he had been involved in meetings with other police forces all over the country after a number of raids on TSB branches in which cash dispensers were forced open using oxy-acetylene equipment .
25 The Bulgarian authorities admitted on Sept. 8 that a Bulgarian state arms trading company , Kintex , had been involved in arms deals with Iraq despite the UN embargo .
26 Almond Nofomela had been among the most trusted of Coetzee 's askaris in his years with Section C. Nofomela had been involved in killings up to despatch of the unfortunate Lesotho diamond dealer .
27 In all the manufacturing organisations we studied , trade unions had been involved in plans to introduce or extend temporary working .
28 Hurtado had been involved in disagreements over economic policy with Industry and Commerce Minister Guido Pennano , who criticized the government 's IMF-backed tight fiscal policy for deepening the recession , failing to cure hyperinflation , and making exports uncompetitive by overvaluing the inti .
29 A spokeswoman claimed that Itoh had been involved in discussions with Sun regarding OEM supply of the X-terminal built by C Itoh , but Sun had decided to go its own way .
30 Touche Ross had been involved in discussions with COSLA and the Scottish Office and had provided all of the supporting information and details .
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