Example sentences of "had always [been] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most were commercial failures and publishers quietly dropped them and returned to textbooks , the monomedia which had always been the core of their business .
2 If she were totally honest she would admit that over these last few weeks there had always been the memory of that party , the memory of him , his hostility , his unjustness .
3 He had always been the gentleman with her , and if , at times , he had regretted what he would ultimately do to her , because he had begun to care for her more than his plan demanded , he could not let that deter him .
4 At home Madame , if referred to at all , had always been the person who had been derided .
5 A vague belief in the common man and a moral if politically neutral criticism of the abuse of wealth had always been the territory of popular narrative as exploited by religion , legend , folk memory , and popular fiction and so there were lots of safe and suitable stories at hand for the showmen to tell .
6 Laidlaw had always been the unit 's fitness fanatic , pushing himself to the limit to keep his lean , muscular body in shape .
7 Her husband had always been the centre of attention wherever he went — large , handsome , charming : a vote-getter by trade and inclination .
8 This was more so in the nineteenth century as Nonconformity grew stronger and more involved in the mainstream of national life , but it had always been the case .
9 Everybody knew everybody else , as had always been the case , and few strangers ever appeared .
10 Mistakes of that sort apart , it would seem that , as had always been the case , some sort of checking system was needed to give lenders the required degree of confidence to carry on , and that the more thorough and ‘ scientific ’ it was the better for both borrower and lender , the more effectively it reduced the incidence of overindebtedness , and saved borrowers from overstretching themselves and indulging in mad bouts of impulsive buying .
11 Of course that had always been the case , the young always did set the fashion ; but never before did it change so rapidly , never before were the older generation so pathetically afraid of being left behind .
12 And in Amabel 's experience it had always been the wife who complained of it , Ethel Lord , for instance , fretting herself into a decline , or very nearly , when her husband had taken to spending so much time in Leeds ; Maria Colclough turning to religion because her man emerged so rarely from his counting house ; even strident Lizzie Braithwaite complaining that she had been neglected for the sake of the business .
13 The Roman residence of the pope from the time of the Emperor Constantine had always been the Lateran and before Innocent 's time there was only a temporary residence at St Peter 's .
14 Jay lived best when inspired ; for her love had always been the inspiration ; she lived and wrote from passion , passion which led to the abyss .
15 In the first place , in a style in which one of the fundamental problems had always been the reconciliation of solid form with the picture plane , the letters written or stencilled across the surface are the most conclusive way of emphasizing its two-dimensional character ; Braque has stressed this when he said of the letters : ‘ they were forms which could not be distorted because , being quite flat , the letters existed outside space and their presence in the painting , by contrast , enabled one to distinguish between objects situated in space and those outside it . ’
16 That had always been the plan and was not some presbyterian purge on behalf of the coaches Douglas Morgan and John Jeffrey in retribution for Scotland 's showing in the tournament , where , for the second successive week , they failed to qualify from their pool for the main competition and suffered a heavy defeat in the plate .
17 He only wished Hans were with him , not just as a drinking partner but also because he had always been the brains of the duo .
18 There , Gaelic had always been the language of the playground ; , English that of the schoolroom .
19 The central events of the Lord 's life had always been the pivots of the Christian year and the week ; the day of the Resurrection and Sunday , the Lord 's day , were at the centre of a cycle of festivals .
20 This had always been the fall-back position , but at this late stage in the argument it cut no ice .
21 It had always been the president 's strength , the way he managed to keep all the different political factions under control , to keep them talking as the Soviet Union underwent her tremendous social change .
22 Lowe represented what had always been the basis of the project until then — the concerned , upmarket readership of Right-Ons which was the perfect setting for a talking-shop .
23 The worst time of day had always been the morning blues — another day to get rid of — please God , help me through .
24 It had always been the custom in St Mary 's for the nuns to go anywhere in the grounds to read their daily Office .
25 It did not start the cauldron brewing but its members reacted to the simmering unrest that was their inheritance with an honest attempt to apply minds to what had always been the province of bigotry and emotion .
26 Before William 's men could reload , or fix their old-fashioned plug-in bayonets , the enemy were upon them , fearsome in their kilts and ferociously wielding the dirks , claymores and broadswords that had always been the clansmen 's favoured weapons .
27 With regard to the Flower Fund , it had not perhaps been made clear that it had always been the intention that ‘ special occasions ’ should in-clude members who were ill and/or were in hospital , special birthdays , retirements , etc .
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