Example sentences of "had take her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , Mrs Aggie had been very sorry she had struck her and she had taken her into the town and bought her a real new bonnet , although she would allow her to wear it only on a Sunday .
2 It was the flight path the one man she 'd ever been In Love with had taken her for the first time , after a late film at the Paris Pullman , Kensington to Hampstead at two a.m .
3 Soon after he met Marigold he had taken her to the opera to see Die Walküre and afterwards had said without forethought :
4 He had taken her to the woods and she sucked his cock and he screwed her on a bed of moss and soft earth .
5 I had taken her to the Three Tuns , and told the others to meet us there , on the basis that it was the second nearest pub to the scene of the demo and the nearest one to Seymour Street police station .
6 Fernando had taken her to the Zarzuela , the Spanish operettas that had taken her breath away .
7 Her parents had taken her to the doctor because of breathing problems and after being sent to hospital it was discovered L had extensive bruising across the buttocks .
8 Her footsteps had taken her to the car park — how , she could n't remember .
9 He had taken her off the streets and given her a home because he was besotted with her ; the home that Sarah 's mother had kept clean and cheerful even when her health was failing .
10 And , as the big metal bird had lifted up into the sky , two heavy hands had taken her by the shoulders .
11 ‘ I had to take her to the polo .
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