Example sentences of "had be [vb pp] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Construction work had been halted a week earlier in line with EC demands .
2 French maintained that he thought that the safety catch was on and that he had been struck a blow on the back of the head which had caused him to stagger and pull the trigger .
3 Also on March 25 parties of the so-called " pro-democracy " alliance ( New Aspirations Party , Palang Dharma , Ekkaparb and the Democrats ) held a joint press conference and called into question the credibility of Narong as Prime Minister , in the light of a recent US State Department allegation that he had been denied a visa in mid-1991 because of his suspected ties with drug trafficking .
4 Judge Gerhard A. Gesell ruled that Hopkins , who had been denied a partnership in 1982 because her colleagues considered her to be too " macho " , had been the victim of illegal " sex stereotyping " .
5 It had been raised a year earlier at a residential conference for Wirral secondary heads with the sugestion that schools should attempt accreditation under BS 5750 .
6 He told her that when Ted Heath was Prime Minister , Mrs Sarah Morrison had been appointed a vice-chairman of the party with a brief to turn Ted into a human being .
7 From the early days of the Spanish invasion , the ridge had been logged commercially but now the major part of the pine forest had been declared a nature reserve .
8 I had been granted a State Studentship enabling me to undertake postgraduate study for an M.A. ( The London University M.A. was then a research degree . )
9 Some time , then , during the intervening years , he had been granted a barony .
10 This came shortly after wife Gabrielle had been granted a decree nisi in a divorce court , while Crawford was rehearsing at the London Palladium for a Royal Variety Performance , which included excerpts from Billy .
11 It is hard to say how directly the King reminded the Company that it was doing well because it had been granted a monopoly of the English market .
12 Orchard had been granted a rent for his ‘ good and praiseworthy service and counsel ’ in 1475 , and he was engaged as a contractor for several parts of the college buildings , including the great west window of the chapel to his own ‘ portraiture ’ ( design ) .
13 Cathy had been assigned a tutor , she used to take her daughter along to a little school ( not her previous school ) and have lessons there in the staffroom : I never liked school before but I liked this as it was only half-past nine till half-past twelve so it was n't a long day and I could take Rebecca with me .
14 As she was still at school , she had been assigned a tutor but this had stopped as they did not get on .
15 In February 1284 , Constance de Béarn , vicomtesse of Marsan , complained that her claim to the comté of Bigorre had been assigned a hearing by Jean de Grilly , seneschal of Gascony , at Langon in the Bazadais because , she alleged , he knew that ‘ the customs of Bazadais were against her , and that the opposing parties would be aided by those customs ’ .
16 His comments followed the announcement on the same day by the leading US credit rating agency , Standard and Poor 's , that the country had been assigned a BBB investment grade rating , making it the first of Latin America 's problem debtors of the 1980s to meet international standards of credit-worthiness .
17 Prior to this meeting , which lasted 8 hours , members had been sent a draft constitution , the handiwork of Charles Gorham , who had consulted and taken the advice of his solicitor , Mr R S Wigin of Leeds .
18 " I said Madam Lundy had been sent a telegram — I did n't say she had received it . "
19 During the last few days she had been sent a poison pen letter , had her life turned upside down , and now she was in the arms of the man whom she had been absolutely determined to divorce .
20 The Earl of Hyndford had been sent a box of earth from the ‘ innermost parts of the Cherokee nation ’ .
21 He had been stabbed a number of times but , before he died , he used his own blood to etch on a piece of parchment the name Raphael .
22 The French manufacturers of the Exocet missile , Aerospatiale , had been done a lot of good to by the Falklands imbroglio and reported far better order books .
23 Since the beginning of the nineteenth century there had been voiced a range of analyses of , and solutions to , poverty .
24 He had been asked a question on the influence of campaign promises and its effect on the election of particular candidates .
25 He blushed guiltily , but the small part of his brain that had been vaguely monitoring the discussion alerted him to the fact that he had been asked a question by the executive producer .
26 Eight months later , in May 1989 , Mr Ethrington joined the management buyout team , which had been formed a year earlier .
27 When this collapsed in 1878 , he got a post as a junior clerk with the Distillers Company Limited , which had been formed a year earlier by six of the largest Lowland patent distillers to rationalize production .
28 He had been given a name .
29 He said the Solidarity-led government had been given a chance to implement a ‘ total change ’ from Poland 's communist system to a free-market economy .
30 She had been given a chance of survival .
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