Example sentences of "had be [vb pp] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Air deal fell through and no date had been fixed for them to be restarted .
2 We stood in the doorway for a while until our eyes adjusted to the darkness and then , stooping low to avoid the worst of the smoke , we made our way through the crowd to a space that had been cleared for us close to the fire .
3 He presumed they had been written for him to use as references for his next employer , but he tore them up angrily .
4 It gave Patrick the feeling that their every move had been planned for them by Comrade Ceauŝescu himself .
5 Those fantasies that had protected her from real life , that beautiful , unpolluted world of the Lock with its seals and its childhood memories of her father and that other glossy , television world that she imagined people like Simon inhabited , had been ruined for her for ever .
6 I took the ferry back to Picton , drove to Christchurch , and moved in to the flat in the university Hall of Residence which had been reserved for me .
7 The director had told her most of the cast and crew were staying in the same hotel , and a room had been reserved for her there , too .
8 From all that he heard , it was clear that Gaddafi 's position had been secured for him in a way that his palace guard and secret police could never have managed on their own .
9 ‘ I certainly do , ’ Frau Nordern answered , as if the room had been done for her .
10 She appreciated Doc Threadneedle 's handiwork , but also she learned to love what had been done for her before the biowizard came along .
11 Ken told the story as though it had been scripted for him for Hancock 's Half Hour .
12 The Social Security Advisory Committee had been asked for its solution to the argument about when men and women should retire .
13 had been asked for his advice , had recommended someone , and been told to approach him .
14 Mr Fallon had been asked for his help in December by worried Darlington firemen .
15 He reminded them of how their predecessors had been punished for their wickedness and repeatedly urged obedience to the commands of the Church .
16 Compaore on Jan. 9 ordered the rehabilitation of over 4,000 people who had been punished for their political or trades union activities since 1983 , when Capt. Thomas Sankara took power .
17 His wife now feared that they had been punished for his presumption .
18 The stick concealed a rifle microphone , which , after much debate — over the alternative merits of contacts , spikes , tubes , any number of possible bugs — had been manufactured for him .
19 I was surprised , therefore , to discover that quite a busy programme had been arranged for me .
20 The well-tested welfare organisation swung into gear , as the Welfare Officer once again climbed into her car to go and speak to the wife and assure her that temporary accommodation had been arranged for her and the family , and that the move from one house to another would be made as smooth as possible .
21 Maha was a lushly beautiful woman who had left the husband who had been arranged for her .
22 For twenty years all these details had been arranged for her .
23 She showed up in her Rolls in the car park of the supermarket , and , although there was a lot of nodding and smiling and remarks about coincidences , it was pretty clear that her presence had been arranged for someone 's benefit .
24 It was a short hop for Foucard to suggest that as her colleague was such a dull man it was unlikely the flat had been searched for something belonging to him , more likely that the hunt was for something belonging to Rain or Oliver .
25 But her own body told her a different story which , lying here for the long days of rest which had been prescribed for her , she had heard clearly enough through the bird-twitter of Linnet and her mother , and Tristan 's determined joviality .
26 There was nothing to spare unless he used the rupee that he had been given for his own food .
27 He found that a quiet bay gelding had been saddled for him , and mounted along with the others , the Hearthwares hissing with effort as they pulled the weight of their armour into the saddle .
28 By July , Wolfgang had been rewarded for his efforts with a formal appointment to the post he had filled in an honorary capacity — on and off — for the past three years , that of konzertmeister .
29 I had the feeling that she was married and had children , but the front room had been designated for her activities , which took place on Thursday , Friday and Saturday evenings .
30 Nicholson could not now appear in the film because he was too old for the original role which had been designated for him , and anyway he wanted to give it his fullest attention as director .
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