Example sentences of "had be [adj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 It had been utter surprise and defeat , casualties grievous .
2 Defying the need to slump her head dejectedly on to her arms , to howl long and hard that every minute of this evening had been utter hell and that all she wanted now was to curl up safe and warm in her own bed .
3 There had been little investigation or calling for witnesses .
4 It had been a wet , raw winter , with the ground waterlogged and streams running high ; but at least there had been little snow and the hill passes were open , which was just as well for a journey to mid-Annandale .
5 Another relative and rector of the Patrimony was James , son of John Odoline , a cousin , and count of Andria , who had been papal marshal and commander of Innocent 's troops in Sicily in 1200 – 1201 , to whom he granted the fortress of Ninfa on the southern border .
6 The report showed that there had been many changes and improvements since 1986 , but that some deficiencies remain .
7 There had been copper dragons and dragons painted on porcelain so fine that light filtered through them and their colours seemed to change as you looked .
8 But Webb 's strict ethical judgement that , once the couple had been pronounced man and wife , Benjamin was not entitled to put them asunder , disregards the fact that Benjamin has rescued Elaine from a loveless marriage before it is consummated .
9 In 1949 , according to a survey by the local branch of the WI , there had been five carpenters and wheelwrights , one blacksmith , two masons , two cobblers , one tailor , one dressmaker and three butchers .
10 Instead , as we walked down to the bar this evening , he had been all smiles and indulgent gallantry , complimenting us on our appearance , an arm lightly circling each of our waists .
11 when she had been all hugs and trust for her father .
12 It had been all whispers and lies till they got to the shop .
13 The gang had been intimidating passengers and had attacked the driver and a woman guard .
14 He had been vice president and general manager of OEM Division there for five years .
15 The defining elements of Pilkingtons ' management culture had been technical excellence and centralism .
16 The Levys had been keen supporters and benefactors of the Trust for many years and had given hundreds of thousands of pounds to various projects in their lifetime .
17 The driver seemed as concerned to show off his excessive acceleration as if we had been prospective buyers and he a salesman .
18 There had been strange lights and incantations , the sacrifice of a black cock at midnight , but he had cleared them out and barred the graveyard , threatening the congregation with the pains of excommunication in this life and Hell fire in the next .
19 The appointment went , however , to William Clark , a married man aged 32 , who had been assistant overseer and vestry clerk at Eaton Socon .
20 The Board appointed Mr. G. Chaplin and Miss Anne Reid , who had been assistant master and matron respectively at the Hackney Union , but it was conditional on their being married ( to one another ) by July .
21 They came to Bedford from the Luton Public Assistance Institution where they had been assistant master and assistant matron .
22 The floors of the sheds in the quarry had been bare boards or stamped earth .
23 ‘ I was under the impression there had been full consultation and changes had been made in the plans to suit the buses , ’ she said .
24 In the aftermath of the failed August coup in the Soviet Union there had been numerous demands and demonstrations in support of a ban on communist activities in Romania .
25 A large venture capital organisation , who refused to comment on individual headhunter performance , wrote that on the whole good candidates had been put forward , but that they would not know if there had been any leaks or illegal use of information by search firms .
26 He expected Willie to ask if there had been any post but there was no response .
27 There was no suggestion there had been any misrepresentation and no allegation of undue influence .
28 Mrs. Healey denied that there had been any collision and proposed to call expert evidence to prove that any damage to the plaintiff 's car could not have been done by her car .
29 Apparently there must have been very heavy rain higher up the dale because there had been some flooding and the river was running very fast .
30 There had been some pedals and a lever and the steering wheel , and that had been about it .
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