Example sentences of "had [been] use [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You knew a river stone had been used to kill Hatton and today you , who get twenty pounds a week and never have a penny to bless yourself with , spent a hundred and twenty quid on luxury equipment .
2 Western reports cited intelligence sources as saying that Thai lorries had been used to move Myanma troops in the region .
3 He told me that in the past insulin had been used to put people in coma states but he would n't dream of doing anything as crude or violent ; a silky drip of valium sedation was all that was required .
4 Airlines had been used to link parts of empires together , regardless of economic cost , and the principle of the state and state airlines working together was well established .
5 The task force was set up after detectives discovered that some of the money had been used to finance drugs and property dealing in the United States and even invested in London 's Docklands , realising millions of pounds in profits .
6 Roque Fernández , a Central Bank director , alleged that the money , the equivalent to one year 's national income and greater than the current foreign debt , had been used to finance government , to rescue failed banks , and to subsidise private companies .
7 If higher prices had been used to ration demand , the industry would , of course , have made large book profits , and this would probably have been politically unacceptable to a government which remembered election promises that nationalisation would mean cheap electricity .
8 From the 1850s the sanitary principle had been used to justify demands for state intervention regulating sexual disease and immorality .
9 Jacob 's jacket had been used to cover Anna 's body from the waist down and this act told its own silent and ominous tale .
10 She had regarded men as men had been used to regard women : pleasant and pleasurable enough when they stayed in line but outside the mainstream of life and more or less irrelevant to its principal purpose , which was keeping body and soul together with as little effort and as much comfort as was practically consistent with this aim .
11 The present owners purchased the mill in 1976 after part of it had been used to house chickens and the mill-pond had been used for fish-farming .
12 The following day Maxwell 's sons , Ian and Kevin , resigned from the boards of MGN and MCC after it was revealed that an estimated £350 million was missing from the MGN pension fund and that another £126 million had been used to secure loans to Maxwell private companies .
13 It was possible that the van had been used to transport Riddle 's body , but if so , where had the body been kept for twenty-four hours ?
14 The bomb had a barometric trigger of the kind that had been used to bomb aircraft before .
15 Some of Middleton 's slag had been used to build Darlington 's roads the famous blue scorriae bricks that line the town centre yards and back alleys are made from slag and when the RAF set up at Goosepool , the rest of the heaps were turned into runways .
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