Example sentences of "had [been] [prep] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had been up most of the night on surveillance and , dressed in ‘ raggies ’ in a seedy dockside pub outside my own police area , had posed as a ‘ driver ’ for a drug-dealer .
2 She had been to one of their meetings , and was even more confirmed not only in the conviction that they were right , but that her own group should get involved in trying to organise women to campaign for wages for housework .
3 We talked about the possibility of his death , we talked about the possibility of him being permanently brain damaged , we talked about the happiness they had enjoyed together and how important it had been to both of them to find each other .
4 She had been to most of the early-morning markets as far as Hyères .
5 Duriez , who described himself as a pacifist , admitted that he had been to some of the raid locations .
6 Most superior buildings also sustained their Palladian principles , but they became less formal : for example , the central salon , the grand reception room of the Palladian house ( Fig. 14 ) , lost some of its ceremonial identity and might even be occupied by a billiard table ; women were no longer debarred from the library , as they had been for much of the previous century .
7 Here , as he had been for much of the past week , Thomas was contentedly playing .
8 For instance , the single person 's National Insurance retirement pension in 1990 is worth 26 per cent more than unemployment benefit , whereas back in 1972 they were paid at the same rate and had been for most of the period since 1948 .
9 I had been on one of these camps before so I thought that I knew what to expect .
10 She had been at one of the best State schools in England , where she would still be , no doubt , but for what Toby had heard referred to as an Incident .
11 Labelled ‘ bankrupt ’ the whole family which had been at one with their neighbours found themselves set apart .
12 He had been at large in occupied France and had quite a tough time of it , but at least he survived and came back to Baldersdale .
13 I am sure that if he had been with one of the stronger or more glamorous clubs at the time , his name would now be held in respect by a far wider clientele than those relatively few of us who were privileged to see him play his heart out for Crystal Palace .
14 However , it became increasingly obvious during the next two years that the Ryder Report had been over optimistic about the market share of Leyland , and that even large injections of capital were insufficient to overcome the problems of poor labour relations , low productivity and entrenched attitudes .
15 It was awkward , too , from the sales point of view , that Richard had been aboard one of these barges when he got knocked over the head .
16 Once , in a very bad patch , Jasper had been like that for weeks , over a month , and she had lived in terror for the knock of the police at the door , and news about Jasper she had been dreading since she had first met him .
17 Oh Ven , she wanted to cry — it had been like that for him too !
18 It had been like this after the barbecue , she recalled .
19 The call had been for Hank , and had been from one of his classmates , who said that he just wanted to inquire how Hank was .
20 His main interest was foreign and defence policy ( for a time he was both Prime Minister and Minister of Defence , as he had been from 1940 to 1945 ) .
21 Within the Common Market , Britain in 1989 seemed as much the odd nation out as it had been in 1979 at the time of the rancorous Dublin summit , unable to prevent major changes within the Community by responding in a negative , bad-tempered way .
22 By the time of Waterloo , for those few who could afford the coaches , passenger travel was perhaps four times as fast as it had been in 1750 between major centres and twice as fast elsewhere .
23 Not for the first time it occurred to him how vulnerable his position was , and he reflected ruefully that there was probably no more security or protection in the rank of Khan than there had been in any of the various honours which he had received while he had been an intimate of the clique which had surrounded Nogai .
24 The first really large wave of Jewish immigrants had been in 1881 with the pogroms of Alexander III in Russia .
25 In other words , quite apart from the franchise changes that did the party no net harm , the changes of 1918–21 transformed the Unionists from the natural minority that they had been in 1914 to a natural majority party until the Second World War .
26 But Benedict 's eyes were on her , as compelling a question in them as had been in those of his godmother .
27 Things had been near perfect at that stage , and they 'd gone for a drink later , with Amanda chatting up the barman who had seemed a nice shy boy , if a bit quiet for the job .
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