Example sentences of "had [been] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For the left , the social contract was to be intimately connected with the industrial policy which had been taking shape under the auspices of the National Executive Committee over the early '70s .
2 Twenty patients who had been taking NSAIDs for more than six months underwent a screening phase and all 13 with NSAID enteropathy were recruited to the study .
3 Eddie Chattaway had been taking part in the tournament for over twenty years before he loosed his winning arrow in 1977 .
4 Pease had been taking part in a march through the capital , Lima , when the officer shot him at close range with bird shot .
5 The men , none of whom was injured , had been taking part in the Isle of Man Midnight Race , an annual event organised by Tranmere Sailing Club .
6 Despite a post-election resumption of fighting , a breakthrough in negotiations appeared imminent following the March round of the UN-sponsored peace talks between the government and the FMLN ( which had been taking place at monthly intervals over the past year ) .
7 A police surveillance operation had been taking place at the house , though not last night .
8 Closures of railway lines had been taking place for many years , accelerated by the growing availability of cars in the 1950s .
9 Since 1955 at Harwell construction had been taking place of ZETA — a 3 metre diameter doughnut shaped vacuum chamber containing deuterium plasma .
10 Discussions had been taking place since the middle of last week .
11 The period investigated is one of increased interest in political and academic circles in the implications of the decisive shift in the British age structure , towards a higher proportion of older people , which had been taking place since the beginning of the century .
12 The worst violence yesterday was in the western city of David where the trial had been taking place since July 6 .
13 Talks between the government and the ANC had been taking place against a background of mounting violence , particularly in Natal and the townships of the Transvaal , between supporters of the ANC and of Inkatha [ for eventual Mandela-Buthelezi meeting in January 1991 see p. 37951 ] .
14 These and others were named as Members of the new London Passenger Transport Board in May 1933 , but moves had been taking place behind the scenes from the beginning of the year .
15 To Zvi , Wine was an upstart — an interloper who had suddenly appeared in the community a year ago ( real name , Zvi had been told , was Benny Wineberg from Brighton ) , set up as a dentist , and by charging ludicrously low fees had been taking clients from Zvi .
16 For many months a nurse had been taking care of Mary , described by everyone as a gentle , retiring person .
17 A police statement on Nov. 14 , however , claimed that the shots had gone astray ( one into the air , the other into the ground ) only because a policeman had pounced on the gunman , Aleksandr Shmonov , as he had been taking aim at the leadership 's reviewing stand atop the Lenin Mausoleum , only 46 metres away .
18 She had a way of looking slightly obliquely at me , as if she knew something I did not — not anything to do with the role she was playing , but about life in general ; as if she too had been taking lessons from the stone head .
19 It was disclosed on Jan. 19 , 1989 , that FBI agents posing as commodity traders for nearly two years had been accumulating evidence of widespread fraud on the floors of the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange .
20 Rita 's teaching experience has been enormously full and varied , including recreational classes ranging from her first class of East-enders at Plaistow to her university class at Newcastle 20 years later , courses for schoolchildren , for Civil Defence trainees and for physiotherapy students ( only this year , at the Sports Medicine exhibition , physiotherapists came up to the Medau stand to say that they had been taught Medau by Rita Quick ) , and work with the mentally ill and disabled .
21 The European Court also decided in favour of two Spanish and British foreign language tutors at the University of Venice , who had been denied contracts of indefinite duration on the grounds that the posts were in the public service and that they were not Italians .
22 The removal of entry quotas encouraged young people who had been denied access to universities in the last years of Nicholas to enter them under Alexander , with the result that students tended to be older and more politically engaged than they had been in the past .
23 In November 1633 Crowe had been appointed ambassador at Constantinople , though he was unable to take up the appointment for another five years .
24 Mr Garrod , who had been appointed head of geography at a Chesterfield school , was rushed to hospital by a passing motorist but never regained consciousness .
25 Before the war he had been stationed in Holland , during the war he had served with MI6 in Turkey and , in mid-1944 , had been appointed head of MI6 's operations in Berne , in Switzerland .
26 Sharing Coleman 's opinion of President Hafez Assad as the evil genius of state-sponsored terrorism , NALA had been formed to press for the withdrawal of Syrian and Israeli troops from Lebanon and for the restoration of democracy under the aegis of General Michel Aoun , who , in September 1988 , had been appointed head of an interim military government in Beirut by outgoing President Amin Gemayel .
27 Napier was not the only sheriff to find that there was more honour than reward in his office , for according to the petition submitted by Erskine of Alva , who had been appointed sheriff-depute of Perthshire in 1748 , his salary of £250 per annum did not take him very far , for his county ,
28 ‘ ABSOLUTELY delighted ’ is how David Taylor , Manager of Telford Branch described his reaction on hearing that his Branch had been appointed bankers to the Princess Royal Hospital , due to become a NHS Trust on 1 April .
29 A Kapellmeister of Salzburg , [ Leopold had been appointed Vice-Kapellmeister in February 1763 ] Mozart by name , has just arrived here with two children …
30 John Glynn of Morval had been appointed Under-Steward to the Duchy of Cornwall during the disturbed days of the Wars of the Roses .
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