Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The news of his impending death had badly ruffled his composure .
2 The other irritant was the discovery by hundreds of English-speaking Quebeckers , who had courageously chosen to send their children to schools where the teaching is in French , that they had thereby deprived their grandchildren of the right to be taught in English if they wished .
3 Equally , in the case of John Main at Inverkeithing , he and his two fellow excisemen were threatened with the board 's displeasure in 1752 , when the collector of Bo'ness accepted , without any enquiry into the facts , an allegation that they had been guilty of excessive drinking and had thereby neglected their duties .
4 She thought she could in the end be legitimized , be more than just the girl who had married the first man who came along in order to get away from home : daughter of a mother who 'd shacked up with her own mother 's boyfriend at that own mother 's unconscious behest — and had thereby had her life negated forever .
5 I could see , again , how striking she must once have been , when her primly drawn-back grey hair had presumably matched her eyes , ‘ with all that 's fair of black and bright ’ .
6 He was recognised by a youth who identified Dennis , 31 , as the man who had indecently assaulted his sister , it was alleged .
7 Hitherto , the Greeks had instinctively interpreted their experience through their myths and so given it " the stamp of the eternal " .
8 The exotic folklore-ism towards which Colgrass 's piece had eventually groped its way was here unleashed in all its succulence and schmaltz .
9 Just as Sylvia had eventually to translate her visualization into reality , so too did Clive .
10 The bar of The Wheel Tapper filled up and then one night emptied completely : Woodstock had eventually found its way to the local cinema .
11 When they had fruitlessly exhausted their task , Myeloski called the caretaker to guide them round the rest of the palace .
12 Mainly middle-aged women with their daughters , they all wore hats and gloves ; everyone seemed to know everyone else and the chattering and laughter only subsided into an expectant hush after the chief vendeuse had discreetly clapped her hands twice .
13 I said goodnight and went to my own room where I found the sleeping-car attendant had duly lowered my bed and laid a chocolate truffle on the pillow .
14 I knew he was twisting and tugging away up there but the local had mercifully done its job .
15 Her eyes had rarely left his face , although he was now tramping about the room , gesticulating as he talked .
16 She had always sworn that her private life would take second place to her career until she had established herself , that she would never become involved with anyone remotely connected with racing , and fortunately temptation had rarely come her way .
17 Molly had secretly enjoyed her initiation to sex on the night of Yanto 's near drowning , but then she had had to curtail her natural emotions for fear of waking her Father .
18 He had acutely put his finger upon the fact that the new tools of mass culture , television and radio , exposed the old ways of the royal household to a merciless stare from which they did not emerge well .
19 Paige had rather liked her cousin 's husband , though they had only met a couple of times .
20 And Liz had slowly swivelled her head round , and stared at her as though from a great way off , and had said dreamily , ‘ If you really want something badly enough , do you think you get it ? ’
21 However , he had slowly modified his lack of jealousy into trust .
22 While acknowledging that there were some schools which had built up a good range of resources and had successfully integrated their school library with the teaching and learning taking place in the school , it appeared at this time that many demonstrated one or all of the following basic problems :
23 Mr Les Baker , director of industrial liaison , said more than 500 people had successfully completed its syllabus .
24 But within 20 minutes of Annandale 's arrival , at a cost of nearly £500 to Hendry 's manager , Ian Doyle , he had successfully completed his task .
25 Miss McDermott said there was ‘ a suspicion ’ Doherty had been treated in ‘ the way the Secretary of State chose to treat him ’ because he had successfully resisted his deportation for so long .
26 Bough , 59 , had successfully rebuilt his career and recently hosted ITV 's Rugby World Cup coverage and LWT 's Six O'clock Show .
27 Don Peters had failed in his UK assignment and had effectively blown his chances of being moved further up the corporate ladder to a Vice Presidency and , maybe , to the Presidency itself .
28 I was sitting in what had effectively become my boudoir ; our living room .
29 In fact Trieste , which under the Austro-Hungarian Empire had been the main port of Middle Europe , had diminished in importance as far as Italy was concerned : Genoa had effectively taken its place .
30 Bryony had effectively dried her tears .
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