Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 This contained some very relevant names and addresses which the Pakistani owner had obviously tried to dispose of during the night , but in the confusion and darkness he had failed to realise it had not gone overboard . "
2 Endill had already begun thinking of escape .
3 Molly drove skilfully back down the road , taking the short cut to what she had already grown to think of as home .
4 Mr Wilson said Nerco had already started disposing of the gold and silver operations .
5 Murtach had already told Bicker of the fight at Ivrigar , and a strong patrol was being sent out in the morning under Ord .
6 Leila 's father had somehow got to hear of it and in her case , of course , the consequences were worse .
7 ‘ I 've been thinking of you — — far more ’ , he wrote , ‘ than I had ever expected to think of a young man — but then I 've got to know you so well , I really miss you very much . ’
8 In the two years or more that she had been in Nordale she had almost come to think of it as home .
9 In one swoop the feeling swallowed her up and she had never got rid of it since .
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