Example sentences of "had [adj] [noun] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 She also had strong opinions and found it hard to " brook any delay or frustration .
2 The Press Liaison Officer took a heavy file from a shelf and almost dropped it into her hands ; but she had strong wrists and managed a gracious smile of acceptance and thanks .
3 The first photoelectrochemical cells also had low efficiencies and stopped working after a few hours — this time due to light-induced erosion of the semiconducting electrode .
4 His leadership has been criticized in a number of particulars : the timing of the movement 's creation ( too early or too late ) ; the adoption of anti-communism , which had short-term benefits but turned Gaullism into a right-wing preserve ; the systematic hostility to parliament and refusal to negotiate with the parties ; the tactical mistake of refusing apparentements in June 1951 .
5 For Americans she had scant respect and considered them to be nouveau riche upstarts , not good enough to hold a candle to the real thing .
6 All had ulcerative colitis that affected the whole colon .
7 The two studies can not be compared , however , because Orchard and Bickerstaff did not define the type of gastritis because the patients in their study had ulcerative disease that affected the stomach and not the duodenum .
8 Musk Roses , however , had weak branches and needed wall support and flowered the better without being pruned .
9 She had projecting teeth and told everyone who would listen that she had been in love with Yorick since she was twelve .
10 Had clear rules and made them explicit
11 In Korea , industrial policy had clear priorities and had used political power to make sure that firms complied with what the planners wanted .
12 Povey and Sir W. Batten and I by water to Woolwich ; and there saw an experiment made of Sir R. Ford 's Holland 's yarn ( about which we have lately made so much stir ; and I have much concerned myself of our rope-maker , Mr Hughes who represented it so bad ) and we found it to be very bad , and broke sooner than , upon a fair triall , five threads of that against four of Riga yarne ; also that some of it had old stuffe that had been tarred , covered over with new hempe , which is such a cheat as has not been heard of .
13 Its owner , Antonio Greppi , had social aspirations and spent much time and more money creating a fine façade and rooms so luxurious , and so dedicated to rich parties , that the city nobles came in droves .
14 In each age they had different demands and made different choices for the use of the land .
15 The tap connections needed to be changed , the old wall brackets did n't match and had to be replaced and , finally , the tiled surround shaped carefully around the original basin now had unsightly gaps and needed retiling .
16 He had tremendous charm and needed it to get away with this .
17 Central government , in the form of the DES , had overall responsibility and made policy decisions , but LEAs had control over most of the day-to-day running of the system .
18 Here we had a man who we knew had serious problems that constituted a danger to himself and others , and we sat back , simply because we were waiting for him to admit he had a problem . ’
19 ‘ But as soon as he he had real problems and got unhappy with Williams , he became seriously interested in Indy racing .
20 The earliest land plants , to be found in Silurian and Devonian rocks , had simple shoots that arose from a creeping ‘ axis ’ , which were little different in structure from the shoots themselves .
21 Much to my surprise she agreed , on condition that we had separate rooms and made our own travel arrangements .
22 His reply was something like ‘ No Leeds wont do much better than last year , when they won the title everyone had exceptional seasons and played above themselves , last year was a true reflection of how good they are … ’ .
23 Like Unix , it started life as a development environment , and like Unix , it had intrinsic features that made it unsuitable as a production operating system .
24 Levi noted that most of the republics had Jewish communities and said that Israel expected the republics to respect the communities ' rights , including the right to free emigration .
25 Other members of the group had differing objectives and decided to drop out for various reasons , ’ the source said .
26 He had white hair and looked very nice , and soon they were waving to him every morning .
27 Perhaps this was only because he had never had reason to he until he met Mr Evans , but he was n't afraid of him , even after that first , dreadful night , because Mr Evans had false teeth that clicked when he talked .
28 The fishermen understood what she meant , that there could be a capsize if they put to sea , but they laughed at her , thinking she had mental hallucinations and put out to sea — at that time in calm conditions .
29 They had long hair and said they knew Jack Kerouac .
30 Because he always had long trousers that went over his boots , and they were you know , very wide so the boys would call him too long and too loose .
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