Example sentences of "had [noun sg] to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One had need to be well-informed to travel with that child .
2 At the begining of the second half England again had cause to be grateful as a marvellous five-man move graced by Tarasiewicz 's stunning volleyed pass ended with Ziober drifting a benign shot over .
3 Many times he had been able to explain the results of complicated chemical analyses performed in conjunction with his own rôle , for which Montgomery had cause to be grateful .
4 But the poor had cause to be grateful to the railways too , in particular for their supplies of fresh fish .
5 Later , I had cause to be grateful for that clause .
6 If Mountbatten was worried about a possible rising , the AFPFL had cause to be worried about British repression .
7 She did n't love her husband , or even have any great affection for him , but she was mindful of the predicament in which he had placed himself by marrying so far beneath him , and she was going to make certain he never had cause to be ashamed of her .
8 Many other men and organisations had reason to be proud of the parts they had played in the drama .
9 Several local people had reason to be proud of the rescues they effected before the arrival of the rescue services .
10 He had reason to be proud he thought , as he gazed through his car windscreen at the line of traffic ahead .
11 Yet again he had reason to be grateful that no-one in Vienna argued with a uniform .
12 Many others had reason to be grateful to the Quakers for refusing to give up their mission to help refugees .
13 Michael Codron had reason to be grateful that it was , especially when in January 1958 it transferred for a third time — or even a fifth , if the pre-West End runs at the Theatre Royal Brighton , and the original Cambridge version , were taken into account — to the Garrick Theatre .
14 The Essex team had reason to be grateful to the weather when a down-pour at the Southend Spring Festival ( 16 May ) brought crowds into the covered area just in time to watch them perform .
15 Or perhaps he had reason to be content , since Franca had been , perhaps visibly , moved , or startled by his sudden gesture of kissing her hand , something which she could not remember his ever having done before .
16 Leconte had reason to be pleased .
17 I am in the possession of a number of splendid suits , kindly passed on to me over the years by Lord Darlington himself , and by various guests who have stayed in this house and had reason to be pleased with the standard of service here .
18 She had reason to be depressed this time .
19 But , however rapidly the filmmakers who built their reputations during the war may have disillusioned the critics , with their narrow concept of what the nation 's filmmakers should be doing , British filmmakers had reason to be confident in 1945 .
20 He had reason to be touchy about Nechaev .
21 That it appears to this Committee that the Secretary ( Mr Huntingford ) has propagated reports injurious to the character of the Professor and that his conduct appears highly culpable in having spread such reports after he had reason to be satisfied that they were groundless .
22 Resolved that , from the report of the Committee consisting of the Earl of Morton , Chairman , & c this meeting is perfectly satisfied with the Character & Conduct of the Professor Mr Vial and is of opinion that the conduct of the Secretary Mr Huntingford is highly culpable in having propagated reports injurious to the Professor Mr Vial after he had reason to be satisfied the [ sic ] were groundless . ’
23 She had reason to be wary , reason to act cool .
24 Tom had reason to be wary .
25 Commissioners were appointed on either side to work out an agreed formula which would cover differences in legal systems , taxation discrepancies , the coinages — which were still quite distinct — and above all the religious rights of Episcopalians , Presbyterians , Cameronians and others who had reason to be wary of the Church of England .
26 They were people who had reason to be suspicious , or they would not have paid so highly for Hayman 's services .
27 Clare 's contemporaries in the wetlands had reason to be concerned more for their own survival than that of moles and willow trees .
28 He had reason to be frightened .
29 Nutty had reason to be optimistic about the swimming , for Jazz had improved phenomenally .
30 After 1416 , the English had reason to be optimistic .
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