Example sentences of "had [prep] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although she always insists , quite correctly , on the importance of social and economic aspects of medical practice , Moscucci also reveals the complexity of medical thinking , and the capacity some practitioners had for developing critical perspectives on their own procedures .
2 ‘ We believe the Tories know of the plans PDAG had for developing Welsh medium education because they 've spent years trying to avoid financing them .
3 The former view tends to ignore the fact that the Labour Party was deeply-rooted in trade-union politics before 1914 , while the latter overlooks the great potential which the war had for destroying old values and arrangements .
4 Well I would say it 's , yes , better , cos mean with th with th these erm containers you see now I mean , we had about say ten years ago we had a man here he used to deal with the all general cargo , all loose cargo from Beirut and all the Mediterranean ports but course now you got the trouble there now that 's a , that 's a cargo that 's , what 's fell away .
5 He had loaned five thousand pounds to Phillip Wreck , one of the most notorious villains in Paddington , and in Joe 's mind Michael had more chance of getting the Pope 's inside leg measurement than he had of getting that money back .
6 He mentioned some plan they had of buying old houses and converting them into flats for sale .
7 Yeah , well if we had , if we had of had more time we could 've , like , written each individual room but really I just put the numbers down quickly just to , to demonstrate
8 She fell into the way of sitting with him at supper , liking the custom that the Beastline creatures had of making each evening a little ceremony in its own right .
9 But any hopes they had of forcing extra time ended when Andy Comyn shot wide with the goal at his mercy .
10 So I wondered what chance I had of outstaying Lebanese men who had picked up their first Kalashnikov aged six , or the Vietnamese man who had seen his mother raped before going on to kill his first Cambodian at the age when I was doing my Common Entrance .
11 An analysis of news originating anywhere away from the line-of-rail showed that it frequently came from such a tour , which shows what difficulty the news media had in getting rural news .
12 Any substantive disagreement centred around the issue of what role social deprivation and unemployment had in bringing young people to protest violently on the streets .
13 Ceauşescu 's first contact with British statesmanship was through the interest that he had in obtaining British technology and the up-and-coming Antony Wedgwood-Benn had in selling it .
14 Holdaway ( 1977 ) documented the difficulties police managers in Hilton had in overcoming wellaccepted practices in order to introduce more professional police practice in the form of unit beat policing .
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