Example sentences of "had [vb pp] for [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Later in that year he had taught for seven weeks in the school ( a replacement master could not start immediately ) and had been paid £7 .
2 The UEFA control and disciplinary committee said Dinamo had arranged for 5,000 dollars to be paid to the referee , linesmen and fourth official before the home game on August 18 .
3 I have had discussions with the various groups and I am convinced that a solution could have been arrived at if the Minister had arranged for collective discussions to take place .
4 We had flown for thirty hours in the fortnight .
5 The seaman — Gustave continued as if this were the best story he had heard for many years — apparently claimed that he had no notion of how the section of mast had reached the position in which it was found .
6 Norton et al found that 25%-35% of women had delayed for five years or more before seeking medical advice .
7 Women who were currently taking the pill or who had stopped taking it in the last 12 months had a significantly lower rate of endometriosis than those who had stopped for longer periods .
8 Its member states had joined for diverse reasons , and of the regional states perhaps only Thailand took the Pact seriously .
9 Six seconds of fame after hours of queueing for this fan of a fan THE Lamports had queued for four hours before they were interviewed for the Antiques .
10 After I had queued for forty-five minutes some returns returned and we were in .
11 Further , his duties were substantially a continuation of those which he had undertaken for several years in connection with Tutorial Classes and the annual summer school arrangements .
12 However , by 1984 , this number had fallen for both men ( 69 000 ) and women ( 18 000 ) .
13 The Independent of Feb. 26 reported that the armed forces had lobbied for political changes in Sind in the aftermath of the Karachi violence earlier in the month .
14 Kim had booked for three days — the longest time available .
15 Nevertheless , the main provision of the Act did improve the legal protection of tied cottagers , since previously protection had varied for different categories of tenants .
16 Many of the most committed Calvinists , who had wrestled for lengthy periods with the doctrine of predestination before finally convincing themselves of the assuredness of their salvation , reacted with fury and outrage to Arminius 's teachings , and in the United Provinces the resulting theological controversy provoked a major political crisis , culminating in the defeat of the Arminians at the Synod of Dort in 1618 .
17 Cellulose flake manager was 46 when he obtained his NEBOSH qualification — the first exam he had sat for 26 years .
18 Ormskirk and Chorley were both county seats under the family influence and Stanleys had sat for both seats in the recent past .
19 Many years before we had looked for red kites , on a spring camping holiday in the valley of the River Tywi .
20 On Feb. 26 Sharif announced in Beijing while on an official visit to China , that the Foreign Minister , Sahibzada Yaqub Khan , had resigned for personal reasons .
21 Seth 's van , which he had owned for four days , was a write-off .
22 An indemnity committee considered that he had spied for political reasons and was thus eligible for release under the government 's indemnity programme .
23 We all knew Froggy , a caddie who had worked the circuit since the late fifties and had carried for many winners , including a couple of Open Champions — American , of course — in the mid-seventies .
24 It appeared from the poor showing of the pro-CPSU communists in the elections that a surprisingly large number of Russians had voted for Sajudis-backed candidates , or had boycotted the voting in overwhelmingly Russian-populated constituencies where only a pro-CPSU communist was standing .
25 Moore , Moore had applied for supplementary benefits during the university vacation .
26 Quiet country parsons , who had applied for twenty shares in the hope of being allotted one , now had to buy all twenty , at fifty pounds apiece , or go to debtor 's jail — all for a railway that the judge , barrister , company , and jailer knew would never exist .
27 The US press reported on the same day that the two men whose extradition was being sought , Abdel Baset al-Megrahi and al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah , had met for two days , earlier in May , with a leading Washington criminal defence attorney , Plato Cacheris .
28 ( a ) How could you test if the factor which causes SAD was lack of light or the cold weather ? ( b ) Would you get more information by considering patients who had suffered for several years rather than only once ? ( 2 ) Bright light is often found to bring relief .
29 Another told me she had suffered for three years with a terrible pain in her back but since following the diet the pain had completely disappeared .
30 As a result , the controversy which had raged for many years about the date of the introduction of the denarius was resolved .
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