Example sentences of "had [vb pp] him off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Had carried him off into the mountains , in this harsh summer of storms and floods ?
2 It might be interesting ; he was obviously intelligent and well-educated , and the fact that both Dora and Iris had written him off as a fortune-hunter caused her no particular misgivings .
3 ‘ Did n't she understand that it might look like she had bought him off with bribery ? ’ the leader asked .
4 But this Subject had n't lost him by accident : she had brushed him off within minutes in less than a quarter-mile of straight well-lit street .
5 It was clear to me that his own personal preoccupations , such as had been conveyed to me by Father D'Arcy and hinted at by others , had cut him off from the workings of certain institutions — his unawareness of Collingwood 's preferment was a case in point — and again he wanted to be informed what the young were thinking .
6 as if whatever he had done had cut him off from the mercy he had been seeking for so long .
7 They had no available extended family : there were Potters scattered about North Yorkshire who had not been seen since Bill 's Congregationalist parents had cast him off for unbelief .
8 She had fought him off like a veritable wildcat when he 'd slung a few well-deserved insults at her , and then had had the gall to deny she had turned traitor , although her brother held his castle for Matilda , and God only knew what she , herself , had done for the Empress .
9 He did n't know where Victor and Masha were ; they had separated at Heathrow , some Amnesty guys had taken him off for a boozy lunch .
10 She also wondered if she had put him off by telling him of her previous engagement and how wary of love it had left her .
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