Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [adv prt] with the " in BNC.

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1 That took him back to the ‘ Nam , where he had joined up with the Summoner and later fought with the VC against the Ivans .
2 He had pressed on with the work , permitting no more interruption than common courtesy required , and had joined in the prayer of thanksgiving with a truly heartfelt gratitude not occasioned only by the woman 's departure .
3 Andre had fallen in with the legendary Lafons of Meursault — Dominique Lafon was at college at the same time , and Lafon pere had become something of a mentor .
4 But Mr Bush 's old agency , the CIA , suddenly produced the trial 's only real , live agent to blow apart a key assertion : that Noriega had fallen out with the cartel after his troops destroyed a state-of-the-art cocaine laboratory in Panama .
5 Thakin Ba Sein , the first leader of Do-Bama Asi-Ayone , who had fallen out with the younger Thakins and formed a rival party , came in .
6 Leaden clouds had rolled in with the setting sun and as they neared Carvoeiro fat drops of rain began to splash on to the windscreen .
7 Bertha had sat back with the satisfied air of having played a trump card , until suddenly her lip had quivered as tears filled her eyes .
8 Robertson had caught up with the words and passed the manuscript , still wet , to the laird .
9 By the time they came to the sharp bend at Borlick they had caught up with the McCulloch family , old Donald limping and muttering to himself , Donald hand in hand with Jean , Mary and her friend big Mary striding on ahead , their arms pulled down by heavy baskets of pies and eggs .
10 Now , in an unbelievably four short years , they had caught up with the atomic bomb which alone guaranteed the security of the much-disarmed United States .
11 I had caught up with the advance guard of greenkeepers , and greeted the head greenkeeper , a fit-looking , lean man with a rather scholarly stoop and a trim grey beard .
12 His dad had n't much luck dying in his fifties and the boy had looked in with the bread and milk most days since her accident .
13 Second , the Old English , descendants of settlers who had come over with the first wave of English conquest during the Middle Ages .
14 But Wordsworth had already proposed in his Guide that the Lake District should be made ‘ a sort of national property in which every man has a right and interest who has an eye to perceive and a heart to enjoy ’ ; we can now see that , over a hundred years before his time , he had come up with the idea of a National Park .
15 Newman 's detailed researches in hospital had come up with the fact that this company was a subsidiary of INCUBUS .
16 It had been such a tight squeeze to get the Princess into the boat house at all , that someone had come up with the bright idea of removing the edge boards from the quay platforms on either side .
17 According to his brother in law , Serrano Suñer , Franco appointed José Luis Arrese as Minister Secretary-General of the Party in 1940 because Arrese had come up with the idea of " relieving the hunger problem with dolphin sandwiches " .
18 And , although she had come up with the idea of a visit to Oxford very much on the spur of the moment , it was n't a bad one .
19 At the end of a few minutes , he had agreed to get Landau , and she had come up with the names of banks and accounts for both Foster and Landau , and the place where he could lay hands on Pete Foster .
20 A wind had come through with the Josephites , and blown away the man 's whole world .
21 There was one early proposal about archaeology which became a series called The Blood of the British , where they had come in with the idea of the series .
22 It had been Dr Rolleston 's great sorrow that he had not been able to help children who had come in with the dreaded Infantile Paralysis , not that any other professor in Europe had been able to do better than by careful nursing stop the paralysis spreading .
23 Old Joseph was glad he kept the Christmas cards from his son and daughter in 1987 , for every year since then he has taken them out and displayed them as if they had come in with the post .
24 He was glad that he did n't throw out the Christmas cards from his son and daughter in 1987 , for every year since he had taken them out of the suitcase on top of the wardrobe and displayed them in his own room as if they had come in with the morning post .
25 After more anxious discussion , the woman who had come down with the leaves , bony and greyish of skin with her hair wrapped in a yellow turban , poured half , then all the small bottle of gin into the steaming mixture and ceremoniously put it in the centre of the floor .
26 By five-thirty , I had met up with the lads and , content at seventeen miles , stooped in the twilight to hammer home the twenty-eight pegs .
27 Fazal said that you had met up with the men and had started work .
28 Even before the securities houses announced their decision , the advantages of issuing new equity had slumped along with the Nikkei .
29 Yevdoxia , who had grown up with the belief that sex was disgusting even at normal times , had refused to take any more of it , ever .
30 He had grown up with the impression that women 's motives were suspect , and so when Tom Rooney had given him advice he had found it so easy to believe , because it was what — subconsciously — he expected .
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