Example sentences of "had [vb pp] they [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 She regarded the Tollemarche ladies as being outside the pale , and had treated them with such blatant condescension that they had quailed , and had sought her goodwill by voting her hastily into offices in those organizations in which she had deigned to take an interest .
2 The new technology of automation had stripped them of any human dignity in their labour .
3 The River Thames had received them with some kindness , not passing on to them hepatitis or typhoid or any of the other plagues its waters might be carrying .
4 Meryl had joined them with some reluctance after the welcoming address , but the moment had been well chosen ; Anthea and the professor had been deep in conversation with an eager group of ladies from Leicester , leaving Meryl momentarily alone .
5 Sarah had joined them through another miracle , a cloak thrown by Mary Jacobus which upheld her feet on the water .
6 What could be anticipated with confidence was the beneficial results of redistribution , for Unionists had expected them for some time .
7 I had expected them at that stage to do the decent thing and wait for us to catch up but , smelling their first blood of the season , they continued in much the same fashion and eventually ran out 7–0 victors .
8 In addition to securing Commonwealth support for their position , the British sought to consolidate their own aviation policy into some definable form , something which had eluded them for several years .
9 And , if so , what had pushed them to such ruthless lengths ?
10 Tony 's mother had made them for this occasion , and though recipes vary slightly the end result is a large currant biscuit .
11 All the problems that had beset them from that first moment their eyes had met in the courtyard on the day of her arrival had vanished , it seemed , giving way to the greater power of one fact — now they were lovers .
12 Always grumbling , he had threatened them with all kinds of dreadful punishment if he had caught them walking in St Andrew 's churchyard or sheltering in the porch .
13 And whoever took this four marb eight marbles had chucked them in this hole and if a even number come out it was mine , if a odd number came out then he 'd take the eight .
14 Graham did n't mind Slater knowing about Sara — he had introduced them to each other , after all — but he wanted to keep this day private .
15 That the Romans had " abandoned the disciplined , frugal and stern manner of life that had brought them to such greatness , and fell into the pernicious pursuit of luxury and licence " ( 37.2. 1 ) was , in the same perspective , seen as the primary cause of the Social War .
16 What had brought them to this ancient grave ?
17 Inept leadership and disastrous hesitations had brought them to this .
18 Foolishly , she had set them opposite each other .
19 ‘ It 's so humid , ’ they moaned , and they wondered why it was that the storm had left them in this stifling , steamy condition when storms were supposed to clear the air .
20 An open space between two darkened structures — warehouses , Alexei thought , although he was not sure that their route had taken them across that quarter of the city — appeared out of the mist to their left like the mouth of an open tomb , and Jotan caught Alexei 's arm and indicated it .
21 He had read them in more languages , too .
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